Israel’s Recent Extreme Makeover–A Cure Worse Than The Disease Itself

12 February 2010

By Reverend Mark Glenn

“As a thief is disgraced only when caught, so too is the house of Israel disgraced…On your clothes are found the lifeblood of the innocent poor, and yet in spite of all this you dare to say ‘I am innocent!’…The leaders dress the wound of Israel as though it were not serious, and yet, are the people of Israel ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all…They do not even know how to blush. They cling to deceit and no one repents of their wickedness, saying ‘what have I done?’…And although you wash yourself with an abundance of soap the stain of your guilt is ever before me…”

–Book of Jeremiah

“Global opinion surveys are being closely examined and the Foreign Ministry has been granted an extra $2 million to improve Israel’s image through cultural and information diplomacy…The country needs to position itself as an attractive personality, to make outsiders see it in all its reality. We are focusing on crisis management, and that is never going to get us where we need to go over the long term.”

–Israel’s Foreign Ministry as quoted in the New York Times

It was one of those old-worldisms my Lebanese grandfather used to often say which I’ll never forget–

“Powder and paint make her the woman she ain’t…”

That may be true when it comes to your average gal, where a little help from her friends at Maybelline and Revlon might be enough to tip the scales in her favor and bring the situation over towards the “plus” side of the equation…

For others however, sometimes it’s better to just leave sleeping dogs lie, no pun intended. As the old saying goes, “beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone”, and in some cases there’s neither a brand of hocus pocus nor a mascara wand with magic powers strong enough to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse. When Mother Nature has spoken, she has spoken, and as we see all too often, trying to circumvent her decisions or otherwise rearrange the natural order of things can end in disaster. In such cases, the cure can be worse than the condition itself, where someone can go from simple run-of-the-mill ugly to fugly in the time it takes to say “Mazel-Tov” and then, the next thing you know you’re dealing with a face even a mother couldn’t love.

Don’t get me wrong. I think women–despite whatever outward appearance they may have gotten from their mommas–are inherently beautiful. In the right circumstances they are smart, sensitive creatures and I shudder to think what “civilization” would be like without their civilizing influence.

MOST women, that is. Some of course are not like the aforedescribed at all. They are (put in apocalyptic language) beasts, and hell-bent on making this life as miserable as possible for everyone. And of those types, none better fits that description than the wicked witch of the Middle East, Israel.

Merely consider her history. There’s never been a day in her life going all the way back to the earliest chapters of the Old Testament she wasn’t smiting, slaying, seducing or stealing from someone. By all appearances (and using her own family album as proof) it would seem she was a bad egg from the very moment she first set feet on God’s green earth and started hearing voices in her head telling her she was better than everyone else and destined to rule the world. Indeed, as she was once described by one of her own (who finally had enough of her ugliness and hit the road in search of greener pastures) she is “displeasing to all that is good and contrary to all men”, something clearly corroborated when we consider how she has dealt with the backlash from her own behavior throughout her history…As she rampages through the peace and order of someone else’s existence and all hell breaks loose, is there a reckoning on her part? Is there an examination of conscience over the suffering she has brought to others?

Perish the thought. Rather, covered in someone else’s innocent blood and gore, time and again she wanders back to the mirror to glare admiringly at herself and her actions. Just as Jeremiah (another guy on the receiving end of Israel’s displeasure) wrote, “Are the people of Israel ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all…They do not even know how to blush. They cling to deceit and no one repents of their wickedness, saying ‘what have I done?’…

And it is no different today. The only variance between Israel’s behavior back in the “good ol’ days” and now is that today she has high-priced plastic surgeons to “repair” her image so she can then get things ready for the next rampage.

And this is precisely what we see taking place as of late. Caught red-handed (literally) in the dirty business of Jewish ritual murder in that Black Mass known as Operation Cast Lead (resulting in 1,500 innocent people being holocausted) her High Priests and Priestesses are now frantically involved in emergency reconstructive surgery of Israel’s ugly image. Desperate to distract an increasingly-aware world from the deliberate and religiously-inspired carnage recently taking place, her various make-up artists and magicians work like busy little bees with the same kind of assuredness as the opening script lines from the hit TV series the Bionic woman–“Gentlemen…we can rebuild her…”

Everyday, a new face, a new “do”, something–ANYTHING–to razzle-dazzle the masses into falling in love with her again and forgetting what a horrifyingly hideous thing she truly is…Everyday a new press conference where she pulls off the bandages and–“Ta Daaa!” –reveals (what she hopes will be seen as) the face of the kinder, gentler Jewish state. Laying awake nights in terror over the fact that (because of her recent criminal behavior) the rest of the non-Jewish world has started doing the math and is beginning to realize the great experiment in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East is–by its very nature–a wild, vicious animal that cannot abide by the norms of civilized society, she is now desperate to get curious onlookers looking in another direction. As such, her plastic surgeons are hoping against hope that, just as dear old grandpa used to say, “powder and paint’ll make her the woman she ain’t”.

It’s understandable why the Jewish community is in such panic mode. After all, a pretty face can get a gal far while an ugly one can stop a Mack truck in its tracks, and when we consider all the other embarrassing blemishes, boils, rashes, cold sores and skin eruptions as of late and what they portend for the future of the Jewish state it is obvious why Israel is day by day going under the knife–

–We have of course the various bankjobs involving not just one, but rather a GAGGLE of Bernie Madoffs resulting in financial crises throughout America and the West that have caused the world’s most powerful economies to come crashing down like the Twin Towers on 9/11. Every day, a new economic time-bomb goes off. Everyday those caught holding the lit match happen to be–SURPRISE SURPRISE–cut from the same cultural/religious cloth as the Hebraic thieves who looted Egypt of all its gold and silver as recounted in the book of Exodus. Thus, new life is breathed into all those “old canards” involving Jewish interests robbing Gentiles of their wealth, and no matter how much they (Jewish interests) stink the place up with their krying and kvetching, nevertheless it isn’t enough to make people look away.

–And, since we’re on the topic of stealing from Gentiles, who could forget the latest gory, grisly details involving the kidney mafia operating out of Israel and her subsidiary offices in New York and New Jersey? Video coverage depicting handcuffed rabbis being led away by the FBI followed up by–again, SURPRISE, SURPRISE–a screeching campaign on the part of organized Jewish interests certainly did not help things at all, nor the admission by Dr. Yehuda Hiss, Israel’s chief pathologist that the organ snatchers were not as much myth as fact.

But again, the one that has Jewish interests worried the most, the “big enchilada” spicy enough to wake even the dead is without a doubt the recent human sacrifice spectacle taking place in Gaza known as Operation Cast Lead. Having miscalculated the intelligence and attention span of the same stupid Gentile world tasked with suckling the Jewish state, this 3-week long bloodfest “sealed the deal” as far as Israel being rightly viewed by the rest of the sane, moral world as the remorseless, lawless carnivore she is. Promising a holocaust against women and children and then delivering it by dropping phosphorous on heavily-populated civilians areas…Deliberately targeting schools, mosques, food storage centers, and homes with precision-guided missiles…Gunning down men, women and children from as close as a mere 30 yards as they held their hands high…

And then, being brazen enough to BRAG about it while simultaneously offering a half-assed denial. Obviously these same intellectually-superior Jewish interests had not considered that Gentiles–who thousands of years ago invented the wheel and introduced written language to man–can read and write, and now, due to the magic of this thing known as computers (which they also invented)  can with just a few clicks of a mouse go to Israeli websites and get a sampling of the truth in all its raw ugliness.

They can read WORD FOR WORD the testimonies of IDF rabbis who instructed the “most moral army in the world” to view the upcoming war in Gaza in religious terms aimed at “cleansing” the Jewish state of Gentiles and that they were to show “no mercy”…They can see picks of IDF Judeo-Nazis sporting about town in t-shirts celebrating the deaths of innocent women and children they personally caused…They can see video footage showing Israeli teenagers–with picnic baskets full of food and blankets spread out on the ground in Sderot as they watch the carnage unfolding before them…and cheering…

And so, what facelifts, tummy-tucks and boob-jobs are we in the Gentile world treated to in the interests of making us “forget” about the oceans of blood witnessed by–not just millions, but indeed–billions of earthlings?

Here are but a few of the many–

We have of course the whole nauseating spectacle taking place in Haiti, where we’re actually expected to BELIEVE that the Chosenites–the most racist, elitist people in the world–were so moved by the plight of the least of their brethren that they were willing to leave their million-dollar hovels in Tel Aviv and haul ass ahead of everyone else in order to bring relief supplies and medical care to some Caribbean hell-hole peopled entirely with Schwartzes (the disparaging term Jews use in calling blacks “niggers”). Here, with the same kind of meticulous attention Steven Spielberg would pay to one of his blockbuster films is the face of the “kinder, gentler” Jewish people, who on one hand murder en masse dark-skinned Palestinians and Lebanese while at the same time rescue Haitians, whom their old-time religion teaches bear the “Curse of Canaan” for all eternity.

And the troops–basically now doubling as actors for this staged production, return to a hero’s welcome with Netanyahu himself congratulating them–not on doing a good deed for the needy, but rather for doing a great job in rehabilitating Israel’s image before the world.

And then, Netenyahu’s statement to the international press afterwards–

“Israel is a small country with a big heart…”

EEEEEWWWWWW! Dear God in heaven, where’s the barf bag??? And I don’t mean just any ordinary vomit catcher, but the industrial-strength kind, and about 1,000 of them, tout suite, s’il-vous plait.

Oh, to have been holding the microphone during THAT little drama and to have caught on tape what was REALLY being said by the Chosenites about their “less fair-skinned” brothers and sisters in that part of the world…

Dozens of other stage props, less dramatic than operation “Rescue Israel’s Image” in Haiti but nonetheless equally-nauseating in their hypocrisy and dishonesty abound as well.

–We recently had the story concerning the Jews of Israel running to the defense of the Muslim community in Switzerland in the aftermath of a ban had been passed on the construction of new minarets.

Yes, the same Jewish interests who DAY BY DAY AND MINUTE BY MINUTE pour every ounce of energy they possess into defaming Muslims and Islam in the interests of keeping the Christian armies of America and Europe busy with the present extended versions of Operation Cast Lead in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan and now Yemen, and now, all the sudden world-wide Jewry is rushing to the defense of the victim they created.

Simply disgusting.

–The recent arrest of Jewish terrorist Jack Teitel, despite the fact Israel knew he was murdering people as far back as ten years ago…While he was murdering Gentiles, he was acting as a good Jew, but as soon as his arrest became expedient in scrubbing Israel’s pock-marked face, he becomes a pawn sacrificed for the good of the cause…

–The recent “approval” by Defense Minister Ehud Barack of social security payments to Gaza residents as a “goodwill gesture”, which, when a little digging is done you find out that the money was OWED them but was withheld (stolen) from Palestinians who paid into it decades ago.

I could go on, but to be honest, we don’t have enough barf bags to deal effectively with the situation.

Remember Jocelyn Wildenstein, the infamous “catwoman” seen regularly on those brain-devouring celebrity talk shows who’s made her place in history by uglifying herself with millions of dollars of plastic surgery?

Voila’–we now have her twin sister, Israel, who, with each successive “procedure” sinks deeper into an unfathomable pit of ugliness and inhumanity.

For those ready to lose their lunch over the horrid spectacle, you can take some comfort in the fact it won’t go on forever, because, just as the good book says–

“Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins and so that you will not receive any of her plagues, for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes…Give back to her as she has given and pay back to her double for what she has done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup and give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit as queen…I am not a widow, and I will never mourn…’ but in one day her plagues will overtake her with death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.”

–Revelations, Ch 18, 4



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