The Binding Of The Jewish Mind: Not Unlike The Chinese Girls

20 April 2010

By Reverend Mark Glenn

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace...I did not come to bring peace, but the sword'--Jesus of Nazareth

"...But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, saying "Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages." He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it... Book of John, Ch 12

“I have been sent to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and to release the oppressed.”
—Jesus of Nazareth

They say that understanding the present requires you first understanding the past…

That being said, it’s amazing where you find yourself while on such a treasure hunt. For me, trying to better understand why my country has been Shanghaied into fighting two bankrupting wars in the Middle East and why I basically have to be subjected to a near-full body search before boarding a plane headed for Nowhere, North Dakota, I wound up in 10th century China, of all places.

No, not that the Chinese are to blame for this mess. After all, the spies and operatives responsible for yanking the leash of every US President since Lyndon Baines Johnson and culminating in George Bush’s destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq weren’t from China, although I’m sure the guilty parties responsible for those high crimes would positively dirty their trousers in glee over the possibility of throwing the blame for that one on some shadowy Sino-conspiracy. Rather–lest we forget–they had distinctly non-Chinese names such as Abrams, Perle, Wolfowitz, Wurmser, Feith, Pipes, Dershowitz, etc, etc, etc.

Where the Chinese do play a role however in better understanding the mess that we–from all 4 corners of the compass mind you–find ourselves in these days is in a parallel phenomenon that occurred there for nearly a thousand years.

Beginning in the 10th century and continuing up until it was outlawed in the 20th, there was a peculiar procedure performed on Chinese girls beginning at around the age of 3 known as “foot binding”. Small feet on a woman were considered attractive, and in bringing this about what was done was to break all the bones in each foot and afterwards tightly wrap the foot with layer after layer of cloth straps that remained during the entire period of the girl’s growth. Many years later, when the straps were removed and after her body had finished growing, the result was a foot no more than 4 inches in length.

Needless to say, the pain was excruciating and sadly did not end after the “procedure” was finished. Our unlucky Chinese woman was basically crippled for the rest of her life and God help her if she needed to do anything requiring a normal foot in terms of size and function. And although she adapted, nevertheless she was basically a prisoner to this unnatural condition imposed on her against her will. As a result of what had been done to her and the constant pain she endured, she walked in a peculiar way, slightly hunched over and swaying from side to side in something known as the “Lotus Gait” revealing to the entire world around her that she was a victim of this debilitating procedure.

The exact reasons for the origins of this practice are unclear, although all sorts of theories abound. What is known however is that at one time nearly ¾ of Chinese girls–as many as 1 billion over the course of 1,000 years–were subjected to this barbaric practice under the auspices that it made them more attractive and thus gave them a leg up (no pun intended) in marrying well.

We can assume however there may have been darker reasons for doing it, and more than likely rooted in something similar to what was done periodically to Negro slaves in the old American South who were hobbled or had a foot cut off to prevent them from running away.

Besides how it personally affected the girls themselves, no doubt society as a whole had to have been impacted as well. Considering the vital role women play in any society, the fact that entire swaths of this group were for all intents and purposes crippled, left in a state of perpetual pain and only able to hobble through their duties means there had to have been measurable negative consequences for Chinese society as a whole.

Now, we “enlightened” beings from the 20th century West would certainly look down our noses at such practices, shake our heads with a mixture of pity and disgust and smugly comment on how backwards such business was (is) while rhetorically asking how anyone–person or country–in his or her right mind could engage in such practices.

Perhaps however we should just keep our collective yap shut, lower our noses, put down our stones and consider the fact that maybe we have no business criticizing or lecturing anyone on anything dealing with “barbaric” practices. After all, we here in the good ol’ USA are now responsible for turning the aforementioned Iraq and Afghanistan into radioactive wastelands for the next 4 billion years in the interests of making them “more attractive” to our eyes. Furthermore (and more to the point of this article) it has now become an institution of sorts in the US to take a little boy barely a few minutes old and subject him to the process of ritual mutilation known as circumcision, where the most sensitive part of his body is hacked away in making it more “pleasing” to the eye.

Anyway, back to the business involving the Chinese, the crippling procedure known as foot binding and how this all fits into our modern world teetering and tottering towards the edge of the abyss. Here we have a situation where the womenfolk of China were basically made cripples for life as a result of an unnatural process done to their feet…

What happens then when you take a person or group of people and methodically do the same thing to their minds, destroying the natural functioning of their brains by breaking the structure therein and then wrapping their intellects with layer after layer of some kind of nonsensical madness in the interest of impeding the natural growth and development of that vital body part?

Obviously, over a period of time, you have created a society of individuals who–put politely–are dysfunctional and incapable of interfacing or interacting with healthy society on a normal, rational level. Depending on what kind of food for thought these people are fed and what kind of straightjacket is used in immobilizing their minds, you can effectively create a cadre of people who are–by normal standards–mad and uncontrollable.

Even worse is what can be done if–in addition to tightly wrapping the mind and keeping it in a state of arrested development–the thinking processes can be further clouded with some overpowering religious narcotic that justifies all sorts of otherwise unjustifiable behavior.

Well, as it turns out, it is not as much a “hypothetical” as we might imagine. Sadly, such specimens are here, right in front of us on a regular basis and set loose upon society with their shrunken heads producing shrunken ideas that do nothing for the benefit of mankind. What’s worse is the fact that these are not just “nobodies” from the aforementioned Nowhere, North Dakota without power or influence.

Making matters worse is the fact that–in addition to being psychologically crippled since the earliest days of their youth–as well they have been trained in aggressive tactics in pushing through whatever demands their elders may have in mind on the rest of the world. Having risen to the forefront of power within the Western world (and in particular in America) they hold the power of the purse and media, the law-making power of Congress, the war-making power of the US military and anytime they want can call the president of the United States, tell him to bomb the be-Jesus out of some other country they don’t like and he will do it with a smile on his face and without any questions…

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the Jewish community, wherever they may be found…

Behold, the tragic story of a people subjected to this process known as “Mind Binding”, where (not unlike the aforementioned Chinese girls) the otherwise normally-functioning thought processes are brutally crushed and then straight jacketed in such a way as to impede the intellect from growing and developing in a normal, healthy way. Fed stories from the earliest days of their development about their “glorious” lineage and about forefathers and foremothers who lied, cheated, screwed, stole and murdered their way to the top as if it were all an extended episode of the Sopranos, the children of this community grow up in a criminal environment where a criminal mindset takes root and is nurtured. While the rest of the civilized world looks towards the future, understanding that human existence depends upon communities of people cooperating if they are to achieve mutually assured survival, the members of this particular famiglia face backwards towards the past and revel in a chronicled history of conflict that those who came before them authored.

Now, were this just a case of a certain group of people adhering to an antiquated past rooted in tradition but with no designs of forcing their worldview on the rest of the world, that would be acceptable. There can be “peaceful co-existence” with such communities. After all, go to any part of the American Midwest where Amish communities–who eschew any use of “modern industrialized” implements–flourish and the worst you will have to deal with is getting stuck behind a horse and buggy on a main road moving along at the blinding speed of around 10 MPH.

With our friends in the Jewish community however, this is clearly not the case. Rather than adopt the “I’m okay, you’re okay” or “live and let live” themes constantly evoked in shrieking, hysterical tones by their organized interests whenever any political or governmental body in the West (or elsewhere) decides to adopt legal measures aimed at protecting their various societies against time-proven moral, political and social pathogens, instead Jewish interests must, repeat MUST, remake the world around them in their image. Uncomfortable with the fact that as a people they stand out in a crowd with their own intellectual version of the aforementioned “Lotus Gait” (i.e., the psychological abnormalities they as a people have developed over the centuries resulting from the abusive, constricting environment within which they lived) Jewish interests instead perpetuate this denial by having the procedure performed on everyone else in host societies so as to better “blend in” and disappear in the crowd.

Like witch doctors from some backwards, underdeveloped and violent tribe who shrink the heads of their victims, Jewish interests in control of media, academia and law force Gentile societies to undergo unnatural reconstructive surgery in order to bring these societies into compliance with regressive Jewish standards and ideas. Laws are passed restricting freedoms long associated with Western civilization, be they regulation of religion, speech, assembly, the press, etc, etc, etc. Slowly but surely, societies founded on progressive political and religious ideas are turned 180 degrees in the opposite direction to make them more “Jewish friendly”. Churches become synagogues and the priests, preachers and pastors become pseudo-rabbis, preaching the same sort of small minded Jewishness that Jewish interests demand.

And so this being the case, previous mysteries suddenly cease to be such. Is it any wonder why Alan Dershowitz is Alan Dershowitz, Abe Foxman is Abe Foxman, Sarah Silverman is Sarah Silverman, and so on and so on? Intellectually speaking, they and their cousins were (are) raised in circumstances exactly like those involving the feet of the poor women of China–an excruciatingly painful environment that prevents their minds from growing and all the problems that arise from that. They live an imprisoned existence and having entered life crippled and hobbled, rather than admit they have a problem and a handicap, instead insist upon society adapting itself to them. Rather than remove the wrappings from their minds and evolve, instead they expect (demand) the rest of the free world to wrap its collective mind and lower itself to their level as the lowest common denominator. Special privileges and legal protections are afforded them. As a result of their unnatural Lotus Gait that makes them easily recognizable to the entire world, all inclines must be rebuilt according to a code of their own creation so as to make their walk more pleasant. Stairs that have existed for centuries must be torn down and rebuilt to accommodate their peculiar intellectual handicap. And if we, the more enlightened Gentile world complain about the resources being expended in remaking society to their liking, we are accused of hating them.

We say all this not in a spirit of scorn or contempt but rather in one of sympathy and compassion, every bit as much as if looking at one of the women from China as she hobbles her way through life and unable to live a normal life because of what had been done to her in her youth.

For sure, there are a few who break out of the straight jacket and defy the mold created for them, but again, they are few and in general are dealt with harshly. They are called traitors and “self-hating” because they refuse to live in this state of arrested development imposed upon them against their will and rather than live in a state of perpetual conflict with the world around them instead seek peaceful, productive lives.

They say a mind is a terrible thing to waste. I could not agree more. Not only is it doing violence to the individual, it is doing violence to mankind, because whatever is done–good or evil–to that individual mind, it will repeat itself over and over again in society a thousand times. Indeed, the only difference in outcome between a boulder being thrown into a lake vs. a tiny pebble is the size of the waves produced.

As compassionate, sane moral individuals trying to build a more compassionate, sane and moral world, let us finally do what should have been done thousands of years ago, which it to relegate Jewish thinking to the place it belongs, along with its siblings such as the flat earth theory or the process of drilling holes into the heads of mentally ill people in order to release the demons that are afflicting them. As events are proving today, as long as the Jews remain mentally imprisoned resulting from the binding of their minds, the rest of the world will remain imprisoned as well.




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