The Key To Exposing Israel As Terrorists…….The USS Liberty

07 July 2010

By Reverend Glenn Mark

No, you probably have NOT seen this 5-minute video before, even if you’ve seen one or several on this event. Take a look at it- and read all of the comments submitted, IF you can handle a lesson in REALITY.

These are the facts, and though they are suppressed today, in the long run, they will out:

ISRAEL deliberately attacked the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, continued the attack for over 2 hours, murdered 34 US servicemen, wounding over 170, and had the complicit assistance of McNamara and LBJ in this murderous assault on US servicemen. No need to think about the WHY at this point, though THAT should really “rock your boat.”

Did the 6th Fleet launch 2 squadrons of fighter jets in response to the SOS pleas from the Liberty to try and rescue the American servicemen during that attack? YES.

Were those fighters allowed to go to the aid of American servicemen being massacred? NO.

WHY? They were immediately recalled by none other than LBJ, the president of the USA, who told the two admirals of the 6th fleet, “Get those goddamned planes back on the carriers. I do not want to embarrass our ally Israel!” He was also quoted as saying he wanted to “let that goddamned ship go to the bottom of the sea.” Since the attacking planes were UNMARKED, and those on the Liberty did not even know who was attacking them (they thought for sure it was an ARAB nation), HOW did LBJ, thousands of miles away KNOW it was Israel? If you dare to learn the reality of what happened that day- you should read “What I Saw That Day,” by Phil Tourney (aboard the Liberty during the attack), and Mark Glenn.

Did the Israeli and American government join together to LIE to the world about that attack, and threaten all survivors with court-martial or DEATH if they dared tell what they knew? YES.

So – all you “Christian conservatives” who continue to this day to support the murdering, vampire state of ISRAEL because of some inexplicable and supposed “biblical” reason for this same bunch whom Jesus Himself fought until they finally murdered Him, look at yourselves in the mirror. There is NO excuse for what was done, and there will be NO justice until the TRUTH is allowed to be heard. AND – if you are thinking in terms of, “Well, gee, this happened 43 years ago, and whether or not it was a mistake or deliberate, can’t we move on, as it is not really relevant today” – I offer THIS – WHAT do you say to those who eternally keep throwing the “holocaust” up to the world? Why don’t you tell THEM to “forgive and forget, it happened nearly 70 years ago?” WHY don’t you do that? Answer: You CANNOT! And why can’t you? Because you are the perfect example of what Christ Himself called “HYPOCRITES.”

You can “tut-tut” those of us who TRY to reveal TRUTH, and call us all manner of names. That is what you have been TRAINED to do, by those who control what you THINK, and who form your opinions FOR you. And you dare judge those of us who try to point out the false prophets of whom Christ warned, calling us “Nazis, racists, anti-Semitics,” ad infinitum!

Keep on supporting those YOU consider as “God’s Chosen,” because of your religious beliefs. If there is any true justice ever meant by God, you will one day learn, whether it be in THIS life or the one that awaits when we exit our present existence. I’m not the brightest star in the universe, not by a long shot. But I’m at peace within about TRUTH, and I’m not the least worried about how I may be judged by the ONLY one qualified to judge me and those who believe as I do. That would be my Creator – NOT YOU.

So put your eggs in your basket, or flip the coin, or remain SMUG. I’ll put ALL of my chips on the table. That’s how certain I am. And I know you are just as certain of YOUR position. We’ll know when God’s Truth is revealed. I feel good about that day. How about YOU???




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