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Meet The Employer: US Presidents - No Evidence Obama Blacker Than He Is White, Zimbabweans

Writers Articles And Opinions

01 October 2010

By Reason Wafawarova

IT is very easy for us all to put aside the disquieting thoughts brought about by the vociferous leftist voices inspired by Karl Marx and Engels from centuries ago, and to equally dismiss the tin foil hat crowd that produces volumes and volumes of conspiracy theories with such self-proclaimed importance that they even declare emphatically that Dubya (George W Bush) and Cheney were the real War Lords behind September 11, 2001.

Marxists can be dismissed easily as failed communists while the conspiracy theorists can be dismissed with easy as hate-filled Islamic fundamentalists bent on destroying the civilised world. That is the prevailing right wing rhetoric.

This writer will assert that some theories dismissed easily as the baseless work of the tin foil hat crowd of conspiracists are not as baseless, and they do stand on solid legs. It is one such theory that we will look at this week.

One theory that has been pushed forward is that the US government by its design and nature is presided over by a chief executive who is employed by the rich folk, and that this is the whole essence of capitalist democracy.

We did see the rich folk voting for Barrack Obama in 2008, or at least we are sure of their funding of his presidential race campaign.

These rich elites included among many others, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, George Soros and Donald Trump.

The Democrats are supposed to be for income redistribution, higher taxes, welfare based policies and pro-poor governance. The question is why elites would ever back a presidential candidate from the Democrats, or think of funding the party itself.

Some argue that this is to ensure stability as elites seek to pacify leaders from the Democrats through funding and bribery, while others argue that the Democrats have in fact moved so much to the right that they are as good as the Republicans, only better in that they can still fool the poor masses into believing that they still have some measure of representation from politicians.

Elitism is about protecting self interests and the rich will only want to be richer and exclusive regardless of whatever amount of wealth they accumulate. So when Obama secures the support of these rich folks it must always be seen in the capitalist theory of self-interest and selfishness as the driving forces behind capitalist survival.

The self-interest and selfishness on Barrack Obama’s part is the lofty and now acquired desire to get down into history as the "first black president" of the United States of America, a reality we all know has been distorted by near-global consensus.

There is no biological logic or evidence to suggest that Obama is blacker than he is white and any serious thinking person knows that. In fact, Obama was fathered by a black man, and he was mothered, nurtured and socialised by a white woman.

This does not matter in this essay. Obama is black by paternal ancestry and that of course makes him black enough to make history on behalf of all blacks, as the rhetoric currently dictates.

George Soros vowed in 2004 that he was prepared to lose all his wealth in ensuring that George W. Bush was out of power. This was because Bush was such a hopeless actor for his role as the voice fronting the rich folk, disguised as a people’s president; so much that his lack of convincing acting capabilities was just a disaster for the public relations gurus that often handle US presidents, as it also undermined the propaganda machinery of capitalist democracy.

The same year Soros met Barrack Obama and did a fundraiser that helped Obama on his way to become a Senator for Illinois.

In 2006, George Soros met Barrack Obama in his New York offices when the later was laying his groundwork for his eventual run for the presidency.

The Republicans got wind of this and accused George Soros of being the employer of Barrack Obama, and perhaps they were very right on this one.

Barrack Obama has twice extended the illegal sanctions regime on Zimbabwe since he assumed office and the advocates and backers of this draconian action are the various human rights civic groups operating in Zimbabwe. They are about all funded by the Human Rights Watch, directly or indirectly.

Obama receives reports on the human rights record in Zimbabwe directly from these groups and sometimes through the Human Rights Watch itself. It is on the basis of these reports that Obama recently said he was "heartbroken" over Zimbabwe, and it is on the same basis that Obama has so far twice extended the sanctions regime on Zimbabwe.

George Soros funds solely and directly over 80 civic organisations and among these are Free Press and Human Rights Watch.

So we have a situation where Obama is catapulted to be the Illinois Senator by George Soros in 2004, before meeting the same Soros in 2006 to prepare for his ascendancy to the presidency of the United States.

Then we had Soros and other rich elites openly funding Obama’s campaign in 2008 and eventually Barrack Obama became the United States President.

Once in office, we can only make an educated guess that Soros meets and talks with Obama. Obama’s White House suddenly becomes the reporting office for the civic groups funded by George Soros and what they report goes as American foreign policy at once. It all adds up very easily does it not?

So this Zimbabwean delegation on the drive to have the illegal sanctions lifted were met last week by a junior officer in the US State Department, Susan Page, and she forthrightly declared that the illegal sanctions will remain, without even pretending to go back to Obama for consultation.

This is because neither Page nor Obama have a say in this. The Employer cannot and could not meet the Zimbabweans but gave his clear instructions on the matter and the message was delivered. There was no need to play diplomatic protocols and all — it’s all pre-determined by the employer.

Who in this case employs Barrack Obama? Is it the people of the United States of America or George Soros? Do ordinary American citizens prefer illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe? Dear reader, meet Barrack Obama’s employer.

Let us move back to the eighties and see what was happening with the Reagan administration then. With regard to the political system that sustains imperialism, the Reagan era represents an outstanding image of capitalist democracy.

For the eight years Ronald Reagan was in power it was apparent to all serious thinking people that the US government functioned virtually without a chief executive. It is quite unfair to assign to Ronald Reagan, the person, much responsibility for the policies enacted in his name.

It is like blaming Barrack Obama, the person, for the policy of extending the illegal sanctions regime on Zimbabwe, or the continued operation of the torture base Guantanamo Bay.

Despite the efforts of the educated classes to invest the proceedings with the required dignity, it was hardly a secret that Reagan had only the vaguest conception of the policies of his Administration and, if not properly programmed by his staff, he regularly produced statements that would have been an embarrassment, if it were not for the fact that no one really took Reagan’s stage antics seriously.

It is doubtful Barrack Obama has the vaguest idea of why Guantanamo Bay cannot be closed, there is no evidence he is convinced of that logic. It is a policy that he needs to articulate on behalf of those who own it, and not on his own behalf. We all know that his personal policy on the matter is to have that torture centre completely dysfunctional by next month.

That is what Obama promised the world on 20 January 2009 when he assumed office. He said Guantanamo would be history by October 2010, and of course now he reads a different script provided to him by those who rule America and employ him to front their cause.

For Reagan, the question that dominated the Iran-Contra hearings on whether he knew or remembered the policy of his Administration was hardly a serious one.

Reagan’s duty was to smile (Obama does a great deal of this), to read from the teleprompter in a pleasant voice, tell a few jokes, and keep the audience properly bemused. Ronald Reagan only qualified for the presidency because he knew how to read the lines written for him by the rich folk, who pay very well for that kind of service.

Obama is an excellent orator of the same lines and he seems to perform not only to the satisfaction of his employer but also that of the audience he is employed to mislead.

Reagan was a seasoned actor by profession and he was a good performer who enjoyed the experience that came with his duties. He spent many pleasant days enjoying the pomp and trappings of power and should have had a fine time in retirement before death took over proceedings.

It was not really Reagan’s business if his employers left mounds of mutilated corpses in death squad dumping grounds in El-Salvador or hundreds of thousands of homeless in the streets. One does not blame an actor for the content of the words that come from his mouth. The words belong to the employer and not even to the script writer.

Reagan was a construction of a symbolic figure by the public relations industry and as such he helped solve the critical problems that must be faced in any society that combines concentrated power with formal mechanisms that in theory allow the general public to take part in running their own affairs, thus posing a threat to privilege.

Capitalist democracy will always ensure that the unimportant people are taught to submit with due humility, and the crafting of a figure larger than life is a classic device to achieve this end.

The strategy is to distance the leader from the public while creating a legend that says he is a being of a different order from mere men, a leader shrouded in mystery; that leaves the secrets of government, which are not the affair of the vulgar and the inquisitive — to those entitled by the system to manage them.

The Obama mystery is quite useful for his employer actually. Here is a man sold to the public as a far thinking visionary who is a compendium of uprightness, fairness, hard work and uttermost achievement. People often fall in love with such illusions.

The founding fathers of the United States are recorded as "above the level of mankind" and as being of "unparalleled perfection" and so on. Such reverence persists notably among intellectual elites today, and leaders often ascend to semi-divinity among loyal worshippers, and may be described as "a Promethean figure" with "colossal external strength" and "colossal powers" as the Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was once described by New Republic editor and owner, Martin Peretz.

Frank Delano Roosevelt was described is such lofty superlatives with an exclusive aura of sanctity from intellectuals who worship at the shrine. That was despite his grand style secret love affair with Lucy Mercer and his rather poor record on economic reforms and civil rights.

Try as they might, the spinners of fantasy could not do much to elevate George W Bush and Ronald Reagan, and largely that was the case with George Bush Senior too. Reagan was a good actor but the elevation still failed, due to his ruthless misadventures in Central America.

The Bushes were absolutely hopeless in carrying themselves as larger than life characters that the employer wanted them to be.

The greater goal of Western democracy is to eliminate public meddling in policy formation and that has been achieved well in the US where there is very little by way of independent political organisation, functioning worker’s unions, media independent of the oligopoly, or other popular structures that might offer people means to gain information, clarify and develop their own ideas, or work to realise them.

Formal freedom in the West poses no threat to privilege for as long as each individual is facing the television screen all by themselves, or just as families. The Television itself is the primary tool of thought control and the elites are too happy for the people to watch it endlessly.

One major step towards barring the annoying public from serious affairs is to reduce elections to the choice of symbolic figures, like the flag, or the Queen of England — who, after all, opens Parliament by reading the government political program, though no one is allowed to ask her whether she believes it, or even understands it.

We have seen with the Obama era that the indoctrination system must perform its tasks properly, investing the leader with majesty and authority and manufacturing the illusions necessary to keep the public in thrall — or at least otherwise occupied.

We have seen the rhapsodising over the popularity of the august figure selected to preside over the White House from African ancestry, so to speak.

So we Zimbabweans must accept the repeated sanctions decrees from Barrack Obama as part of the popularity of this larger than life character created by the money from George Soros and his mates from the class of the elites.

We must by definition believe that Obama can on one hand decree annual measures of ruinous sanctions on the masses of Zimbabwe, and on the other carry a broken heart over the suffering of the same people.

It is shocking that people miss this irony.

Zimbabwe we are one and together we will overcome. It is homeland or death!

Reason Wafawarova is a political writer and can be contacted on wafawarova@yahoo.co.uk or reason@rwafa warova.com or visit www.rwafawarova.com





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