01 January 2011 By Tariq Alhomayed One of the US diplomatic cables leaked by WikiLeaks
reveals that Washington is frustrated with the
Egyptian army, as it wants it to focus more open
combating terrorism, guarding the border with Israel,
and other such operations. The question that must be
asked here is: what have the Americans got to do with
the nature of Egyptian military operations? Isn't this
[combating terrorism, and guarding the border with
Israel] the role of the Interior Ministry and the
Border Guards? Why is this cable focusing upon the
Egyptian army, rather than the Israeli army, for
Washington provides aid to both Israel and Egypt. The truth is that Washington is a confusing ally,
for if the [US] president's star rises internally, so
too do the demands of the US State Department, while
if the president loses popularity at home in America,
his foreign demands become even more impossible [to
achieve]. A Saudi Arabian source told me a story that
neatly sums this up: he said that a US official asked
his Saudi counterpart for Riyadh to take "serious"
steps to convince Israel to come to the negotiating
table. The Saudi official smiled and calmly responded
"your request is extremely strange; for what should
happen is for you [the Americans] to bring Israel [to
the negotiations], whilst we convince the
Palestinians....but you want us – Saudi Arabia – to
bring the Israelis [to negotiate]?" We can also recall an experience that remains
engraved in our memories, and that is when former US
President George W. Bush – who is today tending his
cattle at his ranch [in the US] – viewed the world
from the standpoint of "you're either with us or
against us" for what would have happened if some of
our regional countries had responded to his demands
during this period? Remember that George W. Bush ended
his term in office as one of the least popular
American presidents, and we have seen the state he
left America in at the end of his second term in
office. This was a man who did not listen to the
advice of the entire world when he invaded and
occupied Iraq without first putting a post-invasion
plan in place, and the rest, of course, is history. So
what would have happened if some Arab states complied
with the demands Bush made at the height of his
[internal] popularity? What would the situation look
like today in our homelands with regards to
destruction and devastation? As we mentioned above, the US is a truly confusing
ally, and the simplest proof of this is America
overthrowing the non-democratic regime of Saddam
Hussein, and then later supporting [Iraqi Prime
Minister] Nouri al-Maliki obtain a second term in
office, which is something that contradicts the
simplest US justifications for overthrowing Saddam
Hussein's regime. At this point, some might ask me
"what are you trying to say?" The answer is that: the
best way to deal with a superpower that cannot be
ignored – like the US – is to follow the Chinese
model. For if you are not strong internally, and your
regime is not founded upon a solid and committed
front, and your country does not have a strong
economic and labor system which guarantees your people
a good life and their daily bread, and more
importantly than this, if your policies are not based
upon rationalism, but rather bullying, then you will
be unable to deal with Washington in the correct
manner. China managed to recover Hong Kong without firing a
single bullet, and today Taiwan cannot ignore Chinese
companies, and this does not require China to fire
rockets or issue threatening statements, rather all
that China has to do is drown the Taiwanese economy,
or in other words, kill with kindness, according to
famous American actor Al Pacino, in the film "The
Devil's Advocate." This is the lesson in how to deal with America,
rather than via the method of the Iranians and the
other bullies in our region. Rationalism, and internal
cohesion, providing employment to the people, and
guaranteeing them a livelihood – this is what ensures
that our regional countries were safe from the whims
of an aggressive America during the George W. Bush
era, as well as the whims of a peaceful America during
President Obama's presidency today. Some may say that
China is not an ideal example, due to its human rights
infringements, and here we say, there is no problem
[in this] for what about India [that is also following
China's method of dealing with the US]?
Tariq Alhomayed is the Editor-in-Chief of Asharq Al-Awsat, the youngest
person to be appointed that position. He holds a BA degree in Media studies from
King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, and has also completed his Introductory
courses towards a Master's degree from George Washington University in
Washington D.C. He is based in London. Comments 💬 التعليقات |