23 March 2011 By Tariq Alhomayed Demonstrations emerged after the Friday prayers in
several cities in Syria: Damascus, Homs, Baniyas, and
in Daraa, in the south of the country on the border
with Jordan. These demonstrations resulted in deaths,
injuries and arrests, so are we now witnessing the
Syrian spark? Syria is by no means immune to what is happening in
our region, in terms of demonstrations and uprisings,
yet of course at the same time, Syria is not like
other Arab states. As I have said repeatedly: Tunisia
is not Egypt, and likewise Bahrain is not like either
of those states, because there are sectarian motives
there, and Yemen is also unique, for Sanaa is a highly
complicated ticking time bomb, especially with the
intransigence of the Yemeni president, whilst Libya
remains open to all types of intimidation. As I noted
above, Syria is not immune to what is happening in our
region, but Damascus has always tried to avoid
reality, using all tricks and excuses to postpone
facing the truth. The problem it faces now concerns
the internal situation and the Syrian people, rather
than foreign affairs, which are somewhat favorable at
the moment especially with the calm on the Israeli
border. Indeed, the Syrian-Israeli border is currently
less eventful than the Egyptian-Israeli border
throughout the years of the Mubarak regime. Syria's problems are similar to those of other
states which avoid reality and believe that time
stands still, and that their tricks always succeed.
Their modern history reminds us of empty slogans, yet
the reality must be dealt with, before an uprising
becomes inevitable. The facts cannot be overlooked by
patronizing or lecturing the people, in the manner of
Bouthaina Shaaban's articles, who writes as if she's
based out of Switzerland. The best way to deal with
the facts is to confront them. It is true that Syria
is not like other troubled Arab countries, but the
Syrians have arguably greater cause for grievance and
resentment. Syria is the most deplorable example of a
lack of balance between the minority and the majority,
something the international community staunchly
advocates these days. Yet some media, and likewise
certain news agencies, have not been as engrossed with
the Syrian protests as they have been with Bahrain for
example. This is either because they have been
prevented from doing so, or because Syria does not
have the readily available sectarian motives and
background as we saw in Bahrain, especially as
depicted by some photographers and many biased
sources. If this is the Syrian spark, then the coming
situation will be very difficult, especially after the
Security Council resolution against Libya, and the
international emphasis on the relationship between the
minority and majority. There is a lack of
international confidence in the Syrian approach, which
is the product of years of erroneous Syrian policies,
and Damascus' historic hostility towards the Muslim
Brotherhood. We can add the critical internal
situation to this, both politically and economically,
and the wider crisis facing Arab republics in general.
Thus the forthcoming era will be a difficult one, for
experience tells us that citizens will continue to
defy their repressive regimes, such as in Tunisia.
When internal resentment is evident, the outcome is
usually explosive. What is happening in Syria must be seen as a good
development, for we must be aware of the anxiety and
tension now evident in both Iran and Hezbollah, whilst
noting the extent of their extremism, and lack of
credibility. Will they condemn, for example, the use
of violence against the Syrians, and support the
protestors' right to demonstrate peacefully, in the
same way in which they criticized Bahrain? I think the
reader knows the answer!
Tariq Alhomayed is the Editor-in-Chief of Asharq Al-Awsat, the youngest
person to be appointed that position. He holds a BA degree in Media studies from
King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, and has also completed his Introductory
courses towards a Master's degree from George Washington University in
Washington D.C. He is based in London.
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