29 March 2012 By Tariq Alhomayed Along the lines of the US diplomatic cables leaked
by WikiLeaks, which struck a blow to international
diplomacy it is yet to recover from, whilst also
revealing a rare window into the thinking of some
countries and their politicians, as well as what is
said behind closed doors; we now have the leaked
emails of Bashar al-Assad and those closest to him.
These emails also represent a rare window into aspects
of the thinking and private life of al-Assad, and of
course, the manner in which he is running his
operations against the Syrian revolution. I am naming the story of Bashar al-Assad's leaked
private emails "Assad-Leaks" because this will have
the same impact as WikiLeaks, whether in Syria or
Lebanon or even Britain and the US. This is because
some of these e-mails reveal who is in al-Assad's
inner circle, some of whom are present in the
geographic regions mentioned above. This has led some
British newspapers to call for the need of getting rid
of what they describe as the al-Assad regime's "fifth
column" in London. We can also expect the
"Assad-Leaks" to reveal other issues, and it is clear
that there is another collection of these e-mails that
has yet to be revealed, particularly as there are a
huge total number of these leaked e-mails, which have
been divided into several groupings, pertaining to
family, scandals and politics, as well as more complex
issues such as how to avoid the economic sanctions
that have been imposed on Syria, even on an individual
level. The "Assad-Leaks" reminds us of a strange but
important irony, namely that it seems that every
tyrant will see their scandals exposed before their
rule comes to an end, as they lose the false prestige
that was previously afforded to them by the public.
This is due to these tyrants losing touch with reality
and believing that they are more clever than all those
around them. Here we see the al-Assad regime, on all
levels, witnessing its unexpected secrets and scandals
being revealed. Prior to this, who, in Syria, for
example, would have dared to think about the personal
life of the ruler of Damascus? This is something that
also previously happened to Saddam Hussein, as he saw
US soldiers sitting in his throne at the presidential
palace, whilst Muammar Gaddafi also saw – with his own
eyes – images of Libyan rebels swimming in the pool at
one of his children's palaces, whilst we now have the
"Assad-Leaks" story, which is following the same
pattern, although it may be even more exciting! Of course, what concerns us with regards to the
"Assad-Leaks" is the political aspect. After the US
warned Baghdad of allowing Iran to provide assistance
to the tyrant of Damascus via Iraq, one of al-Assad's
leaked e-mails reveals a report that talks about a
meeting that was held in Damascus between al-Assad
regime officials, and Iranian and Iraqi officials.
This meeting was to discuss ways of providing Iranian
assistance – via Iraq – to the al-Assad regime, and
aiding it to overcome the economic sanctions that have
been imposed against it. One of the proposals was for
Iranian companies to urgently proceed in paving a road
network between Iraq and Syria, in order to facilitate
the delivery of Iranian aid to the al-Assad regime.
What is astonishing is that this e-mail reveals that
his tripartite Iraqi – Syrian – Iranian meeting took
place at the same time that Iraqi Prime Minister [Nuri
al-Maliki] was visiting Washington late last year,
during which he even met with US President Obama! Therefore, it seems that the "Assad-Leaks" will
provide us with many scandals which will allow us to
see who is truly conspiring against the Syrian people! Tariq Alhomayed is the Editor-in-Chief of Asharq
Al-Awsat, the youngest person to be appointed that
position. He holds a BA degree in Media studies from
King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, and has also
completed his Introductory courses towards a Master's
degree from George Washington University in Washington
D.C. He is based in London.
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