Hillary Clinton would be the Next President of USA
25 October 2016By
Saeed Qureshi
With the last day of voting drawing to a close on 8th November, it is getting
obviously clear that the Democratic Nominee, Madam Hillary Clinton would be
the next 45th president of the United States of America. It would be an
historic and landmark happening as since the founding of the United States on
July 4,1776 as she will have the unique distinction to be the first female
president of the country. This year's elections are 58th quadrennial U. S.
presidential elections.
Her opponent in the elections the Republic party nominee Donlad Trump had also
bagged sizeable chunk of votes. Yet obviously for his questionable demeanor,
filthy jargon and propensity for indecency towards women, he lags far behind
To win the present presidential elections a candidate has to obtain 270
electoral votes or delegates out of total number of 538 count. Thus, far the
trend of polls show that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's standing in
the electoral and popular voting is very robust. Out of the total declared
number of 538 electoral delegates she has achieved 278 which exceed the
threshold number of 270 votes. Donald is far behind with 179 delegates. The
pollsters predict that she enjoys over 90 per cent of the chance to be the
next president of the United states.
The White population is America 74 per cent and they could have supported
Donlad Trump who raised racial slurs against the Latinos and the Muslims. had
he a clean conduct he could have been elected. But because of so many
drawbacks in his past and present lifestyle the white and neocons and
evangelists too were divided. His anecdotes with the women in the past too
proved to be an ''Achilles Heel'' for him. Even a segment of white or right
leaning Evangelists dropped their support for him. It was indeed a great
setback for him.
The electoral process in United States is quite complex and tricky. Candidates
for the presidency typically seek the nomination of their respective parties
mostly through the mode of the primary elections to choose the candidate for
the party. In the primary elections, the voters cast ballots for a slate of
party delegates pledging support to a particular candidate.
First through the primary elections a party elects presidential candidate
which in 2016 is Hillary Clinton for the Democratic party and Donlad Trump is
for the Republican party. It is followed by the electoral voted a kind of
indirect polling to elected a candidate to become the president from either of
the contesting parties in the national elections.
The general elections culminating on November 8 are also an indirect election,
where voters cast ballots for a slate of members of the Electoral College
these electors in turn directly elect the President and Vice President. The
election or winning of candidate in the general elections is not based upon
the popular votes but on the number of electoral votes.
Briefly there are three stages to elect the president. One is primary
elections to elect a party candidate. The second is electing an electoral
college or a group of members. The Third is that these electors then elect the
president or the vice president of the country.
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