To The People Of Poland: Israel Wants To Enslave Your Collective Conscience Over Auschwitz

05 February 2018

By Khalid Amayreh

To the honorable and heroic people of Poland:

I am impressed and encouraged by the stubborn refusal of the Polish people and parliament to submit to persistent Zionist efforts to incriminate Poland for the Holocaust. These repulsive and shameless efforts, behind which stand powerful Zionist circles in North America, are tantamount to trying to colonize and enslave the collective conscience of the great people of Poland. 

They seek to make each and every Pole feel guilty, either for imaginary crimes that never occurred, or for crimes Poles never really committed. I am joining the fray because Zionist Jews are lying rather obscenely about crimes against humanity they have been committing (and are committing) in Palestine before our eyes. Hence the question: Couldn't they likewise lie about crimes that occurred more than seventy years ago. 
My intention is never to belittle the suffering of any people, including Jews. But, we must never allow lies, half-truths and concocted narratives to obfuscate historical truth and fabricate a virtual "history" based on mendacity.
You may wonder why a Palestinian journalist is concerned for this matter. Well, I am concerned because in the name of the Holocaust, Israel has been carrying out a slow-motion holocaust against my people. I am not making hyperboles, and I do know what I am talking about.
They came from Eastern Europe and other places, they massacred our people, and they destroyed our homes, bulldozed our villages and then expelled us around the world. And when we tried to resist their Wehrmacht, Gestapo and SS, they hurled the anti-Semitism canard in our faces and called us terrorists!
In 1952, the very Zionists who now want every Polish man, woman and child to be guilt-ridden over the Holocaust, exterminated my innocent and peaceable family nearly completely. Until this day, 66 years later, our tormentors haven't even acknowledged their crime, let alone apologized or expressed willingness to pay compensation for what they did.  (see My Story Under the Israeli Occupation-
The reason is amply clear. Zionist Jews don't attach any real value to non-Jewish life, whether Palestinian or Polish. For them, we are inherently and intrinsically inferior and our lives have absolutely no sanctity, this is the reason they murder our children, so haphazardly, so indifferently and with so much ease. This is the reason, they kill first and ask questions later. This is the reason they strive to instate anachronistic Talmudic laws treating non-Jews living in Israel as slaves, or water carriers and wood hewers, using Biblical language.
To reiterate, I would like to urge and advise you: Don't give in to their blackmailing tactics aimed at confiscating your freedom and sovereignty as they have done to so many nations.
Now they want to get you to apologize, then demands for reparation would come next. Then, using external pressure, they would pressure you to change your history textbooks to suit their whims. And if you showed the slightest reluctance or opposition, they would unleash the American sword against Poland. This is the way Zionism has brought many nations to their knees.
Don't allow Poland to be enslaved by international masonry and global Zionism. Let Poland remain a free nation.

- Khalid Amayreh is a veteran Palestinian journalist living in occupied Jerusalem. 

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