ẹ Objectives, Projects And Activities Of The Awqaf For Da'wah, Education And Aid & Relief ẹ Area Of Activities Of The Awqaf For Da'wah, Education And Aid & Relief ẹ Origin Of The Awqaf In Providing Da'wah, Education And Aid & Relief ẹ Sources Of Funds And Resources Of Awqaf Africa For Da'wah, Education And Aid & Relief ẹ Nature Of The Awqaf - The Muslim Societies - Its Services To The Ummah (the Muslim World) ẹ The Awqaf In Brief - Who Are We? Who Our Sheikh Is? Who Our Volunteers Are? Who's Who In Awqaf ẹ Structures Of Awqaf Africa In Providing Da'wah, Education And Aid & Relief - Muslim Task Forces ẹ Definitions Of The Awqaf Or Awqaf Africa - About Us In A Nutshell - Our Terms And Commitments ![]() Aid & Relief ويحلّ لهم الطيّبات ويحرّم عليهم الخبائث - الأعراف 157
"...He (Allah) allows them At-Tayyibaat
(all good and lawful) and prohibit them Al-Khabaa`ith (all evil and
unlawful)" [Q7:157]
محررتنا أم عبد الله أديلابو مديرة هذا الموقع بإشراف شيخنا الشيخ أبي عبد الله أديلابو و إرشاده - حفظهما الله و حفظ أهلهما - Our Editor And Director Is Umm-Abdullah Adelabu Who Is The Director Of This Site With Supervision And Guidance Of Our Sheikh, Sheikh Abu-Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D Damas) - May Allah (s.w.t.) Protect Both Of Them And Their Family شيخنا: الشيخ عيد الفتَّاح أبو عبد الله تائوو أديلابو الإفريقي Our Sheikh Is: Sheikh Abdul-Fattah Abu-Abdullah Tawo Adelabu Al-Afriqi (Ph.D. Damas) More Information About Our Sheikh s The Awqaf (also known or referred to as AWQAF) serves all countries of Africa: South, North, West, East, and other territorial geography of the continent including its islands in Pacific, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Seas as well as Caribbea s The Awqaf seeks the causes of suffering, poverty, and Islamophobia and tries to eliminate them under the amiable banner of Islam s Sheikh Abdulfattah Abu Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D. Damas), a West African Islamic Academic founded Awqaf Africa, of which he's the first al Amir (i.e. President). Sheikh Abu Abdullah was studying Postgraduate Degrees in Damascus early 1990's during when Syria reviewed its national security including immigration control... s The Awqaf is an independent establishment with a firm principle to stay neutral and distance itself from exploitations by politicians, lobbies from business prominent, or affiliations with military strugglings. The Awqaf maintains Jihad or Struggling For The Cause of Islam is a faith as well as a duty, and therefore does not champion any struggling other than that of Islam s Waqfs [Awqaf] or Habs (i.e. Endowments From al Amir, Members Of ash Shura, And Muslim Donors)
يمكنك إستعمال الوسائل التالية لتراسلنا You Can Contact Us Through Following Ways: واسطة البريد الإلكتروني For Email Click Here: Email The Awqaf واسطة صندوق البريد By Post: The Awqaf P. O. Box 46044, Maida Vale, London W9 3WN The United Kingdom واسطة الفاكس :: By Fax: +44 (0) 207 266 2267 About Us - We're The Awqaf ... عنّا - نحن الأوقاف We Are EsinIslam Media Of The Awqaf, Awaf Africa And Awqaf Africa Muslim College, The Muslim Societies And Students Of Sheikh Abu-Abdullah Adelabu Al-Afriqi Pupagating Islam Through Publications Such As
EsinIslam.Com, IslamV.Com, MuslimV.Com, IslamAfrica.Com etc... We Are EsinIslam Media Of The Awqaf, Awaf Africa And Awqaf Africa Muslim College, The Muslim Societies And Students Of Sheikh Abu-Abdullah Adelabu Al-Afriqi Pupagating Islam Through Publications Such As
EsinIslam.Com, IslamV.Com, MuslimV.Com, IslamAfrica.Com etc... نحن إعلاميون مسلمون للأوقاف ولأوقاف إفريقيا ووكذا لكلية أوقاف إفريقيا الإسلامية مجتمعات إسلامية وطلاب الشيخ أبي عبد الله أديلابو الإفريقي نحن ننشر دعوة الإسلام من خلال منشورات مثل
EsinIslam.Com و IslamV.Com و MuslimV.Com و IslamAfrica.Com إلخ .... نحن إعلاميون مسلمون للأوقاف ولأوقاف إفريقيا ووكذا لكلية أوقاف إفريقيا الإسلامية مجتمعات إسلامية وطلاب الشيخ أبي عبد الله أديلابو الإفريقي نحن ننشر دعوة الإسلام من خلال منشورات مثل
EsinIslam.Com و IslamV.Com و MuslimV.Com و IslamAfrica.Com إلخ .... EsinIslam Media is Brought To You By The Awqaf London In conjuction with Awqaf Africa Muslim College In Partnership With the World Sheikhs' Senate and Majlis (WOSSAM) Co-Chaired By Sheikh Dr. Abu-Abdullah Adelabu Al-Afriqi and Minister Ambassador Prof. Ahmad El-Ibraheemi...
EsinIslam Media is Brought To You By The Awqaf London In conjuction with Awqaf Africa Muslim College In Partnership With the World Sheikhs' Senate and Majlis (WOSSAM) Co-Chaired By Sheikh Dr. Abu-Abdullah Adelabu Al-Afriqi and Minister Ambassador Prof. Ahmad El-Ibraheemi...
تقدم لكم مؤسسة الأوقاف بلندن الأعلام لدين الإسلام EsinIslam Media بالاشتراك مع كلية أوقاف أفريقيا الإسلامية وبالشراكة مع مجلس الشيوخ المجالس العلمية العالمية (WOSSAM) برئاسة الشيخ الدكتور أبو عبد الله أديلابو الإفريقى والوزير السفير الأستاذ الدكتور أحمد الابراهيمى ...
تقدم لكم مؤسسة الأوقاف بلندن الأعلام لدين الإسلام EsinIslam Media بالاشتراك مع كلية أوقاف أفريقيا الإسلامية وبالشراكة مع مجلس الشيوخ المجالس العلمية العالمية (WOSSAM) برئاسة الشيخ الدكتور أبو عبد الله أديلابو الإفريقى والوزير السفير الأستاذ الدكتور أحمد الابراهيمى ...
This Portal, A Publication of The Awqaf London Is The Muslim Knowledge Hub For The Authentic Teachings of Islam With Rich Contents And Knowledgeable Services Including Fatwas And Books, Questions & Answers, Articles And Researches, Videos And Audios, Symposium And Seminals etc...
This Portal, A Publication of The Awqaf London Is The Muslim Knowledge Hub For The Authentic Teachings of Islam With Rich Contents And Knowledgeable Services Including Fatwas And Books, Questions & Answers, Articles And Researches, Videos And Audios, Symposium And Seminals etc...
هذه البوابة ، إصدار لأوقاف لندن ، هي مركز العلم الإسلامي لتعاليم الإسلام الأصيلة بمحتوياتها الغنية وخدماتها الواعية من فتاوى وكتب ، وأسئلة وأجوبة ، ومقالات وبحوث ، وفيديوهات ، وتسجيلات صوتية ، وندوة ، وندوات ، إلخ ...
هذه البوابة ، إصدار لأوقاف لندن ، هي مركز العلم الإسلامي لتعاليم الإسلام الأصيلة بمحتوياتها الغنية وخدماتها الواعية من فتاوى وكتب ، وأسئلة وأجوبة ، ومقالات وبحوث ، وفيديوهات ، وتسجيلات صوتية ، وندوة ، وندوات ، إلخ ...
Way Of The Awqaf London And Its Publications Including EsinIslam.Com And IslamAfrica.Com - Our Way: The Sunnah Of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh As Upheld By Our Salaf ALL - Branding Not Salafis, Not Sufis, Not Ikhwanis etc! Oh Yes, Muslims Proudly Sunnis in Ways Of As-Salaf As-Saalih...
Way Of The Awqaf London And Its Publications Including EsinIslam.Com And IslamAfrica.Com - Our Way: The Sunnah Of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh As Upheld By Our Salaf ALL - Branding Not Salafis, Not Sufis, Not Ikhwanis etc! Oh Yes, Muslims Proudly Sunnis in Ways Of As-Salaf As-Saalih...
طريق أوقاف لندن وإصداراتها بما في ذلك EsinIslam.Com و IslamAfrica.Com - طريقتنا: سنة نبينا الحبيب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم كما يحافظ عليها سلفنا جميعًا - لا تطلق على أحد سلفيين ولا صوفيين ، لا إخوانيين الخ! يا نعم المسلمون يفتخرون بالسنة على مذهب السلف الصالح ...
طريق أوقاف لندن وإصداراتها بما في ذلك EsinIslam.Com و IslamAfrica.Com - طريقتنا: سنة نبينا الحبيب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم كما يحافظ عليها سلفنا جميعًا - لا تطلق على أحد سلفيين ولا صوفيين ، لا إخوانيين الخ! يا نعم المسلمون يفتخرون بالسنة على مذهب السلف الصالح ...
Our Editor And Director Is Umm-Abdullah Adelabu Who Serves This Portal And Many Others With Volunteering From Students And Followers At The Awqaf Under The Scholarstic Supervision And Guidance Of Our Sheikh, Sheikh Dr. Abu-Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D Damas) - Please Pray For Our Sheikh And His Family...
Our Editor And Director Is Umm-Abdullah Adelabu Who Serves This Portal And Many Others With Volunteering From Students And Followers At The Awqaf Under The Scholarstic Supervision And Guidance Of Our Sheikh, Sheikh Dr. Abu-Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D Damas) - Please Pray For Our Sheikh And His Family...
محررتنا ومديرتنا هي أم عبد الله أديلابو التي تخدم هذه البوابة والعديد من الآخرين بالتطوع من الطلاب والتابعين في الأوقاف تحت إشراف وتوجيه علمي من شيخنا الشيخ الدكتور أبو عبد الله أديلابو (دكتوراه من دمشق) - الرجاء دعوتكم لشيخنا وعائلته ...
محررتنا ومديرتنا هي أم عبد الله أديلابو التي تخدم هذه البوابة والعديد من الآخرين بالتطوع من الطلاب والتابعين في الأوقاف تحت إشراف وتوجيه علمي من شيخنا الشيخ الدكتور أبو عبد الله أديلابو (دكتوراه من دمشق) - الرجاء دعوتكم لشيخنا وعائلته ...
Do You Know Our Portals Serve Islamic Organizations And Centers Free To Reach Over 1.6 Billion Muslims Around The World? Check Out Our Quran And Hadith Center, News And Articles Sections, Social Networking, Services And Empowerment Programmes, The Awqaf Muslim College etc...
Do You Know Our Portals Serve Islamic Organizations And Centers Free To Reach Over 1.6 Billion Muslims Around The World? Check Out Our Quran And Hadith Center, News And Articles Sections, Social Networking, Services And Empowerment Programmes, The Awqaf Muslim College etc...
هل تعلم أن بواباتنا تخدم المنظمات والمراكز الإسلامية مجانًا للوصول إلى أكثر من 1.6 مليار مسلم حول العالم؟ تحقق من مركز القرآن والأحاديث النبوية ، وأقسام الأخبار والمقالات ، والشبكات الاجتماعية ، والخدمات وبرامج التمكين ، وكلية الأوقاف الإسلامية ، إلخ ...
هل تعلم أن بواباتنا تخدم المنظمات والمراكز الإسلامية مجانًا للوصول إلى أكثر من 1.6 مليار مسلم حول العالم؟ تحقق من مركز القرآن والأحاديث النبوية ، وأقسام الأخبار والمقالات ، والشبكات الاجتماعية ، والخدمات وبرامج التمكين ، وكلية الأوقاف الإسلامية ، إلخ ...
Transmitting Globally Comprehensive Islamic Portal In World Languages Through Authentic Teachings And Diseminations Of Quran And Hadith, Fatwas And Bayan, News And Articles, Videos And Audios, Literatures And Books, Our Da'wah Activities Have Proven To Be Extremely Important And Useful To The Ummah...
Transmitting Globally Comprehensive Islamic Portal In World Languages Through Authentic Teachings And Diseminations Of Quran And Hadith, Fatwas And Bayan, News And Articles, Videos And Audios, Literatures And Books, Our Da'wah Activities Have Proven To Be Extremely Important And Useful To The Ummah...
بث بوابات إسلامية شاملة عالميًا بلغات العالم من خلال التعاليم الأصيلة والتراجيم للقرآن والأحاديث النبوية والفتاوى والبيانات والأخبار والمقالات ومقاطع الفيديو والصوتيات والآداب والكتب ، أثبتت أنشطتنا الدعوية أنها مهمة للغاية ومفيدة للأمة ...
بث بوابات إسلامية شاملة عالميًا بلغات العالم من خلال التعاليم الأصيلة والتراجيم للقرآن والأحاديث النبوية والفتاوى والبيانات والأخبار والمقالات ومقاطع الفيديو والصوتيات والآداب والكتب ، أثبتت أنشطتنا الدعوية أنها مهمة للغاية ومفيدة للأمة ...
Contacting Us...: Clicking Here Or By Posting: The Awqaf, P. O. Box 46044, Maida Vale, London W9 3WN The United Kingdom And By Fax: +44 (0) 207 266 2267 To Director - Umm Abdullah Adelabu: Email Head Office publicrelations@esinislam.com....
Contacting Us...: Clicking Here Or By Posting: The Awqaf, P. O. Box 46044, Maida Vale, London W9 3WN The United Kingdom And By Fax: +44 (0) 207 266 2267 To Director - Umm Abdullah Adelabu: Email Head Office publicrelations@esinislam.com....
الاتصال بنا ...: النقر هنا أو بالنشر: The Awqaf، PO Box 46044، Maida Vale، London W9 3WN The United Kingdom وعن طريق الفاكس: +44 (0) 207266 2267 إلى المديرة - أم عبد الله أديلابو: إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى المكتب الرئيسي Publicrelations@esinislam.com ....
الاتصال بنا ...: النقر هنا أو بالنشر: The Awqaf، PO Box 46044، Maida Vale، London W9 3WN The United Kingdom وعن طريق الفاكس: +44 (0) 207266 2267 إلى المديرة - أم عبد الله أديلابو: إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى المكتب الرئيسي Publicrelations@esinislam.com ....
Our Way: The Sunnah Of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh As Upheld By Our Salaf (As-Salaf As-Saalih) ALL - Branding Not Salafis, Not Sufis, Not Ikhwanis etc!
Our Way: The Sunnah Of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh As Upheld By Our Salaf (As-Salaf As-Saalih) ALL - Branding Not Salafis, Not Sufis, Not Ikhwanis etc!
Know More About Us ... المعرفة المزيدة عنا
EsinIslam.Com, IslamV.Com, MuslimV.Com, IslamAfrica.Com etc... EsinIslam.Com و IslamV.Com و MuslimV.Com و IslamAfrica.Com إلخ ....
Our Sheikh in Brief ... عن شيخنا باختصار
Brief Text Biography Of Sheikh Dr. Abu Abdullah
Tawo-Ejire Adelabu Al-Afriqi Ph. D. Damas Our Sheikh - Sheikh Dr. Abu Abdullah Tawo-Ejire Adelabu Al-Afriqi
Ph. D. Damas Brief Biography Of Our Sheikh Adelabu And The Awqaf Provided In Arabic And English By The Awqaf Daa'i Muhammad
Ma'ruf Dan Jum'ah For Not Understanding Other Languages Through Which The
Awqaf Carries Out Its Da'wah Publications بعض دراسات شيخنا الدكتور الشيخ عبد الفتَّاح أبو عبد الله تائوو أديلابو الإفريقي Our Sheikh Studied Islamic Studies, And Arabic In
Damascus, Syria, And Achieved, Among Uncountable Blessings Of Allah (s.w.t.)
Postgraduate Diploma, Masters Degree, And Ph. D. To Allah (s.w.t.) Is Praise Our Sheikh Dr. Abdul-Fattah Abu-Abdullah Tawo Adelabu Al-Afriqi (Ph.D. Damas) Was A
Reseacher In Islamic Studies And Arabic Both In Oxford, Cambridge, As Well
As In London Our Sheikh Studied Under Scholars In Syria, Saudi Arabia
And Jordan Our Sheikh Dr. Abdul-Fattah Abu-Abdullah Tawo Adelabu Al-Afriqi (Ph.D. Damas) Studied
Primary Education, Secondary Education, And Collegiate Education On Islamic
Studies, Arabic, English, And Other Modern Studies In Oshogbo (Our Sheikh's
Hometown) نشطات شيخنا الدكتور الشيخ عبد الفتَّاح أبو عبد الله تائوو أديلابو الإفريقي الدعوية
This A Brief Biography Of Our Sheikh Adelabu And The
Awqaf The Information Here About The Awqaf Is Only Provided In
Arabic And English By The Awqaf Daa'i Muhammad Ma'ruf Dan Jum'ah For Many
May Not Understanding Other Languages Through Which The Awqaf Carry Out Its
Da'wah Publications Sheikh Abdulfattah Abu Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D. Damas), a West African Islamic Academic founded AWQAF Africa (The Awqaf), of which he's the first al Amir (i.e. President). Sheikh Abu Abdullah was studying Postgraduate Degrees in Damascus early 1990's during when Syria reviewed its national security after an 'Oslo Accord'... Syria like many other countries around the world witnessed, during this period, the flood of refugees from war troubled nations like Somalia, arrival of people from Algeria during the brutal struggling between the Mujahidun and the government, resettlement of the Palestinians fleeing from sophisticated guns of the Israelis as well as adventure of African migrants for reasons uncountable... As a delegate of African Students Union and general secretary for a West African Students Union in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, the founder who became the first al Amir of The Awqaf visited prisons and hospitals the time over 10,000 African migrants had been killed, jailed, or wounded in their adventures to reach the Middle-East many for sanctuaries and others as cross-borders to Europe for - what they had expected to be - a better life... Horrified at the number of unknown or unclaimed dead and touched by the scale of dangers and suffering of the immigration prisoners and their wounded country men, women, and children in the hospitals, The founder and first al Amir formed a group of volunteer African students to help... The founder received huge supports from the President of Syrian Scientific Academy and Chancellor of the University of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Prof. Dr. Abdullatif Salih Al Farfour, and from the Dean of Postgraduate School at the university, Prof. Dr. Shawqi Abu Khalil, the Dean of Faculty of Literature - both signatories to the fellowship of the founder at Syrian Scientific Academy... Dr. Gassan Taklah of Huda Clinic and Dispensary, Sheikh 'Adil ash Sha'ar, Dr. Mukhtar Tantawi of Tantawi Clinic, Eng. Basil Tantawi, Dr. Hashim Agha, Eng. Ahmed Agha, Dr. Muhammed Shuqair of Shuqair Clinic, Mr. Ridhwan Tabba', Eng. Ammar Nuri, Abu Subhi, and Abu Ahmad of Damascus' Rukn-ud-din Motel, The Zain Family, and as Sayyidah Umm Abdullah (the supportive and dedicating wife of the founder) were among many others who had contributed so much to assist the founder... In addition, the founder was privileged to have benefited from Sheikh Sa'id al Qasimi and his in-law Sheikh Nasir ud Din al Albani, especially during several affectionate visits to their houses and their splendid libraries... The generosity of Sheikh Abdullah Dukk al Bab of Institution Of Jami' Az Zahara to allow the founder to study under the like of Sheikh Abdul Qaid al Arnahout had been so benevolent to the founder academically. Prof. Dr. Ramadhan al Bouti, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bugha, and Prof. Dr. Wahbah az Zuhaili had all benefited the founder hugely during their sessions at the University of Damascus. The founder's long academic journey, which had even enabled him to learn from the like of Sheikh Bin Baz and other scholars in Arabia, is a worthy story... When reading for his Postgraduate Degrees, the Syrian Scientific Academy facilitated the founder of The Awqaf to research on two academic works one titled Spread of Islam in Africa and the other The Missionaries in Africa - South of Sahara in Focus... The researches ended in plea for a peaceful continent - free from ignorance, selfishness, deadly spread of AIDS, and above all war and sufferings therefore - and called on more effective methods of education, arbitration, administration, and most importantly wider adoption of Islamic Codes Of Life to bring about lasting and positive changes while learning from effects of - for instance - colonization, slavery, and power strugglings... The appeal won favourable responses. In the middle of 1995 influential people - including the above mentioned prominent - met with the founder to discuss his pleas, calls, ideas, and objectives... The first meetings of AWQAF Africa had laid groundwork for The Awqaf movements. Delegates were chosen among the African Students Unions in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. Out of these meeting came the first ad Diwan (i.e. records including reports, memorandums, and accounts) of The Awqaf... The first delegates of AWQAF Africa agreed to cooperate with authorities to arrange for safe return of the migration prisoners, give better information to people back in Africa about other worlds, help to create job opportunities for African students back in their home nations etc., and better inform the religious travelers or migrants... After the adoption of the first ad Diwan in a sitting at the University City of Basil al Asad, Damascus, The Awqaf started to provide helps to African students in the Arab Lands, give useful and practicable advices to thousands of stranded African migrants, work to secure safety, release, and relief for apprehended African migrants, and offer consolation and supports to families of victims of migration imprisonment and casualties... AWQAF Africa was therefore chosen as an operative name dedicated absolutely to serving the Muslims in Africa - in particular - and all around the world - in general... You Can Write To Sheikh Adelabu Speaks,
Writes, And Reads English And/Or Arabic Languages Contact Sheikh Adelabu :: الإتصال بالشيخ أديلابو By E-Mail :: عبر البريد الإلكتروني sheikh [at] esinislam.com ; sheikh [at] theawqaf.com واسطة صندوق البري :: By Post: Sheikh Abu-Abdullah Adelabu Al-Afriqi,
واسطة الفاكس :: By Fax: +44 (0) 207 266 2267