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    أوقاف إفريقيا المجتمع الإسلامي

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     محررتنا أم عبد الله أديلابو مديرة هذا الموقع بإشراف شيخنا الشيخ أبي عبد الله أديلابو و إرشاده - حفظهما الله و حفظ أهلهما - 

    Our Editor And Director Is Umm-Abdullah Adelabu Who Is The Director Of This Site With Supervision And Guidance Of Our Sheikh, Sheikh Abu-Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D Damas) - May Allah (s.w.t.) Protect Both Of Them And Their Family

    شيخنا: الشيخ عيد الفتَّاح أبو عبد الله تائوو أديلابو 

    Our Sheikh Is: Sheikh Abdul-Fattah Abu-Abdullah Taiwo Adelabu (Ph.D. Damas)

    المزيد من المعلومات عن شيخنا 

    More Information About Our Sheikh

    s Awqaf Africa (also known or referred to as AWQAF) serves all countries of Africa: South, North, West, East, and other territorial geography of the continent including its islands in Pacific, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Seas as well as Caribbea

    s Awqaf Africa seeks the causes of suffering, poverty, and Islamophobia and tries to eliminate them under the amiable banner of Islam

    s Sheikh Abdulfattah Abu Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D. Damas), a West African Islamic Academic founded Awqaf Africa, of which he's the first al Amir (i.e. President).  Sheikh Abu Abdullah was studying Postgraduate Degrees in Damascus early 1990's during when Syria reviewed its national security including immigration control...

    s Awqaf Africa is an independent establishment with a firm principle to stay neutral and distance itself from exploitations by politicians, lobbies from business prominent, or affiliations with military strugglings.  Awqaf Africa maintains Jihad or Struggling For The Cause of Islam is a faith as well as a duty, and therefore does not champion any struggling other than that of Islam

    s Waqfs [Awqaf] or Habs (i.e. Endowments From al Amir, Members Of ash Shura, And Muslim Donors)


    يمكنك إستعمال الوسائل التالية لتراسلنا 

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    Awqaf Africa

    P. O. Box 46044, Maida Vale, London W9 3WN The United Kingdom

    واسطة الفاكس :: By Fax: +44 (0) 207 266 2267

    The African Muslim Communities



     ويحلّ لهم الطيّبات ويحرّم عليهم الخبائث - الأعراف 157

    "...He (Allah) allows them At-Tayyibaat (all good and lawful) and prohibit them Al-Khabaa`ith (all evil and unlawful)" [Q7:157]



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    Qur'an And Hadith :: القرآن والحديث

  • Transliteration
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    Verses Of The Holy Quran :: آيات القرآن الكريم

    |:| 1. Al-Fâtihah
    |:| 2. Al-Baqarah
    |:| 3. آl-'Imrân
    |:| 4. An-Nisâ'
    |:| 5. Al-Mâ'idah
    |:| 6. Al-An'âm
    |:| 7. Al-A'râf
    |:| 8. Al-Anfâl
    |:| 9. At-Taubah
    |:| 10. Yûnus
    |:| 11. Hûd
    |:| 12. Yûsuf
    |:| 13. Ar-Ra'd
    |:| 14. Ibrahîm
    |:| 15. Al-Hijr
    |:| 16. An-Nahl
    |:| 17. Al-Isrâ'
    |:| 18. Al-Kahf
    |:| 19. Maryam
    |:| 20. Tâ­Hâ.
    |:| 21. Al-Anbiyâ'
    |:| 22. Al-Hajj
    |:| 23. Al-Mu'minûn
    |:| 24. An-Nûr
    |:| 25. Al-Furqân
    |:| 26. Ash-Shu'arâ'
    |:| 27. An-Naml
    |:| 28. Al-Qasas
    |:| 29. Al-'Ankabût
    |:| 30. Ar­Rûm
    |:| 31. Luqmân
    |:| 32. As­Sajdah
    |:| 33. Al­Ahzâb
    |:| 34. Saba'
    |:| 35. Fâtir / Al­Malâ'ikah
    |:| 36. Yâ­Sîn.
    |:| 37. As-Sâffât
    |:| 38. Sâd.
    |:| 39. Az-Zumar
    |:| 40. Ghâfir
    |:| 41. Fussilat
    |:| 42. Ash-Shûra
    |:| 43. Az-Zukhruf
    |:| 44. Ad-Dukhân
    |:| 45. Al-Jâthiya
    |:| 46. Al-Ahqâf
    |:| 47. Muhammad / Al-Qitâl
    |:| 48. Al-Fath
    |:| 49. Al-Hujurât
    |:| 50. Qâf.
    |:| 51. Az-Zâriyât
    |:| 52. At-Tûr
    |:| 53. An-Najm
    |:| 54. Al-Qamar
    |:| 55. Ar-Rahmân
    |:| 56. Al-Wâqi'ah
    |:| 57. Al-Hadîd
    |:| 58. Al-Mujâdilah
    |:| 59. Al-Hashr
    |:| 60. Al-Mumtahinah
    |:| 61. As-Saff
    |:| 62. Al-Jumu'ah
    |:| 63. Al-Munafiqûn
    |:| 64. At-Taghâbun
    |:| 65. At-Talâq
    |:| 66. At-Tahrîm
    |:| 67. Al-Mulk
    |:| 68. Al-Qalam
    |:| 69. Al-Hâqqah
    |:| 70. Al-Ma'ârij
    |:| 71. Nûh
    |:| 72. Al-Jinn
    |:| 73. Al-Muzzammil
    |:| 74. Al-Muddaththir
    |:| 75. Al-Qiyâmah
    |:| 76. Al-Insân / Ad-Dahr

    |:| 77. Al-Mursalât

    |:| 78. An-Naba'
    |:| 79. An-Nazi'ât
    |:| 80. 'Abasa
    |:| 81. At-Takwîr
    |:| 82. Al-Infitâr
    |:| 83. Al-Mutaffifîn
    |:| 84. Al-Inshiqâq
    |:| 85. Al-Burûj
    |:| 86. At-Târiq
    |:| 87. Al-A'lâ
    |:| 88. Al-Ghâshiyah
    |:| 89. Al-Fajr
    |:| 90. Al-Balad
    |:| 91. Ash-Shams
    |:| 92. Al-Lail
    |:| 93. Ad-Duha
    |:| 94. Ash-Sharh
    |:| 95. At-Tin
    |:| 96. Al-'Alaq
    |:| 97. Al-Qadr
    |:| 98. Al-Baiyinah
    |:| 99. Az-Zalzalah
    |:| 100. Al-'Adiyât
    |:| 101. Al-Qâri'ah
    |:| 102. At-Takâthur
    |:| 103. Al-'Asr
    |:| 104. Al-Humazah
    |:| 105. Al-Fîl
    |:| 106. Quraish
    |:| 107. Al-Mâ'ûn
    |:| 108. Al-Kauthar
    |:| 109. Al-Kâfirûn
    |:| 110. An-Nasr
    |:| 111. Al-Masad
    |:| 112. Al-Ikhlâs / At-Tauhîd
    |:| 113. Al-Falaq
    |:| 114. An-Nâs

    Transliteration Of Verses Of The Holy Qur'an :: نقحرة آيات القرآن الكريم

    1. Al-Fâtihah
    |:| 2. Al-Baqarah
    |:| 3. آl-'Imrân
    |:| 4. An-Nisâ'
    |:| 5. Al-Mâ'idah
    |:| 6. Al-An'âm
    |:| 7. Al-A'râf
    |:| 8. Al-Anfâl
    |:| 9. At-Taubah
    |:| 10. Yûnus
    |:| 11. Hûd
    |:| 12. Yûsuf
    |:| 13. Ar-Ra'd
    |:| 14. Ibrahîm
    |:| 15. Al-Hijr
    |:| 16. An-Nahl
    |:| 17. Al-Isrâ'
    |:| 18. Al-Kahf
    |:| 19. Maryam
    |:| 20. Tâ­Hâ.
    |:| 21. Al-Anbiyâ'
    |:| 22. Al-Hajj
    |:| 23. Al-Mu'minûn
    |:| 24. An-Nûr
    |:| 25. Al-Furqân
    |:| 26. Ash-Shu'arâ'
    |:| 27. An-Naml
    |:| 28. Al-Qasas
    |:| 29. Al-'Ankabût
    |:| 30. Ar­Rûm
    |:| 31. Luqmân
    |:| 32. As­Sajdah
    |:| 33. Al­Ahzâb
    |:| 34. Saba'
    |:| 35. Fâtir / Al­Malâ'ikah
    |:| 36. Yâ­Sîn.
    |:| 37. As-Sâffât
    |:| 38. Sâd.
    |:| 39. Az-Zumar
    |:| 40. Ghâfir
    |:| 41. Fussilat
    |:| 42. Ash-Shûra
    |:| 43. Az-Zukhruf
    |:| 44. Ad-Dukhân
    |:| 45. Al-Jâthiya
    |:| 46. Al-Ahqâf
    |:| 47. Muhammad / Al-Qitâl
    |:| 48. Al-Fath
    |:| 49. Al-Hujurât
    |:| 50. Qâf.
    |:| 51. Az-Zâriyât
    |:| 52. At-Tûr
    |:| 53. An-Najm
    |:| 54. Al-Qamar
    |:| 55. Ar-Rahmân
    |:| 56. Al-Wâqi'ah
    |:| 57. Al-Hadîd
    |:| 58. Al-Mujâdilah
    |:| 59. Al-Hashr
    |:| 60. Al-Mumtahinah
    |:| 61. As-Saff
    |:| 62. Al-Jumu'ah
    |:| 63. Al-Munafiqûn
    |:| 64. At-Taghâbun
    |:| 65. At-Talâq
    |:| 66. At-Tahrîm
    |:| 67. Al-Mulk
    |:| 68. Al-Qalam
    |:| 69. Al-Hâqqah
    |:| 70. Al-Ma'ârij
    |:| 71. Nûh
    |:| 72. Al-Jinn
    |:| 73. Al-Muzzammil
    |:| 74. Al-Muddaththir
    |:| 75. Al-Qiyâmah
    |:| 76. Al-Insân / Ad-Dahr
    |:| 77. Al-Mursalât
    |:| 78. An-Naba'
    |:| 79. An-Nazi'ât
    |:| 80. 'Abasa
    |:| 81. At-Takwîr
    |:| 82. Al-Infitâr
    |:| 83. Al-Mutaffifîn
    |:| 84. Al-Inshiqâq
    |:| 85. Al-Burûj
    |:| 86. At-Târiq
    |:| 87. Al-A'lâ
    |:| 88. Al-Ghâshiyah
    |:| 89. Al-Fajr
    |:| 90. Al-Balad
    |:| 91. Ash-Shams
    |:| 92. Al-Lail
    |:| 93. Ad-Duha
    |:| 94. Ash-Sharh
    |:| 95. At-Tin
    |:| 96. Al-'Alaq
    |:| 97. Al-Qadr
    |:| 98. Al-Baiyinah
    |:| 99. Az-Zalzalah
    |:| 100. Al-'Adiyât
    |:| 101. Al-Qâri'ah
    |:| 102. At-Takâthur
    |:| 103. Al-'Asr
    |:| 104. Al-Humazah
    |:| 105. Al-Fîl
    |:| 106. Quraish
    |:| 107. Al-Mâ'ûn
    |:| 108. Al-Kauthar
    |:| 109. Al-Kâfirûn
    |:| 110. An-Nasr
    |:| 111. Al-Masad
    |:| 112. Al-Ikhlâs / At-Tauhîd
    |:| 113. Al-Falaq
    |:| 114. An-Nâs

    Sahih ul-Bukhari :: صحيح البخاري

    Sahih ul-Bukhari :: صحيح البخاري

    1. Revelation
    2. Belief
    3. Knowledge
    4. Ablutions (Wudu')
    5. Bathing (Ghusl)
    6. Menstrual Periods
    7. Rubbing hands and feet with dust (Tayammum)
    8. Prayers (Salat)
    9. Virtues of the Prayer Hall (Sutra of the Musalla)
    10. Times of the Prayers
    11. Call to Prayers (Adhaan)
    12. Characteristics of Prayer
    13. Friday Prayer
    14. Fear Prayer
    15. The Two Festivals (Eids)
    16. Witr Prayer
    17. Invoking Allah for Rain (Istisqaa)
    18. Eclipses
    19. Prostration During Recital of Qur'an
    20. Shortening the Prayers (At-Taqseer)
    21. Prayer at Night (Tahajjud)
    22. Actions while Praying
    23. Funerals (Al-Janaa'iz)
    24. Obligatory Charity Tax (Zakat)
    25. Obligatory Charity Tax After Ramadaan (Zakat ul Fitr)
    26. Pilgrimage (Hajj)
    27. Minor Pilgrimage (Umra)
    28. Pilgrims Prevented from Completing the Pilgrimage
    29. Penalty of Hunting while on Pilgrimage
    30. Virtues of Madinah
    31. Fasting
    32. Praying at Night in Ramadaan (Taraweeh)
    33. Retiring to a Mosque for Remembrance of Allah (I'tikaf)
    34. Sales and Trade
    35. Sales in which a Price is paid for Goods to be Delivered Later (As-Salam)
    36. Hiring
    37. Transference of a Debt from One Person to Another (Al-Hawaala)
    38. Representation, Authorization, Business by Proxy
    39. Agriculture
    40. Distribution of Water
    41. Loans, Payment of Loans, Freezing of Property, Bankruptcy
    42. Lost Things Picked up by Someone (Luqaata)
    43. Oppressions
    44. Partnership
    45. Mortgaging
    46. Manumission of Slaves
    47. Gifts
    48. Witnesses
    49. Peacemaking
    50. Conditions
    51. Wills and Testaments (Wasaayaa)
    52. Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)
    53. One-fifth of Booty to the Cause of Allah (Khumus)
    54. Beginning of Creation
    55. Prophets
    56. Virtues and Merits of the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions
    57. Companions of the Prophet
    58. Merits of the Helpers in Madinah (Ansaar)
    59. Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi)
    60. Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet (pbuh))
    61. Virtues of the Qur'an
    62. Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah)
    63. Divorce
    64. Supporting the Family
    65. Food, Meals
    66. Sacrifice on Occasion of Birth (`Aqiqa)
    67. Hunting, Slaughtering
    68. Al-Adha Festival Sacrifice (Adaahi)
    69. Drinks
    70. Patients
    71. Medicine
    72. Dress
    73. Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab)
    74. Asking Permission
    75. Invocations
    76. To make the Heart Tender (Ar-Riqaq)
    77. Divine Will (Al-Qadar)
    78. Oaths and Vows
    79. Expiation for Unfulfilled Oaths
    80. Laws of Inheritance (Al-Faraa'id)
    81. Limits and Punishments set by Allah (Hudood)
    82. Punishment of Disbelievers at War with Allah and His Apostle
    83. Blood Money (Ad-Diyat)
    84. Dealing with Apostates
    85. Saying Something under Compulsion (Ikraah)
    86. Tricks
    87. Interpretation of Dreams
    88. Afflictions and the End of the World
    89. Judgments (Ahkaam)
    90. Wishes
    91. Accepting Information Given by a Truthful Person
    92. Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah

    Sahih Muslim :: صحيح مسلم

    Sahih Muslim :: صحيح مسلم

    1. The Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman)
    2. The Book of Purification (Kitab Al-Taharah)
    3. The Book of Menstruation (Kitab Al-Haid)
    4. The Book of Prayers (Kitab Al-Salat)
    5. The Book of Zakat (Kitab Al-Zakat)
    6. The Book of Fasting (Kitab Al-Sawm)
    7. The Book of Pilgrimage (Kitab Al-Hajj)
    8. The Book of Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah)
    9. The Book of Divorce (Kitab Al-Talaq)
    10. The Book of Transactions (Kitab Al-Buyu`)
    11. The Book Pertaining to the Rules of Inheritance (Kitab Al-Farai`d)
    12. The Book of Gifts (Kitab Al-Hibat)
    13. The Book of Bequests (Kitab Al-Wasiyya)
    14. The Book of Vows (Kitab Al-Nadhr)
    15. The Book of Oaths (Kitab Al-Aiman)
    16. The Book Pertaining to the Oath, for Establishing the Responsibility of Murders, Fighting, Requital and Blood-Wit (Kitab Al-Kitab Al-Qasama wa'l-Muharabawa'l-Qisas wa'l-Diyat)
    17. The Book Pertaining to Punishments Prescribed by Islam (Kitab Al-Hudud)
    18. The Book Pertaining to Judicial Decisions (Kitab Al-Aqdiyya)
    19. The Book of Jihad and Expedition (Kitab Al-Jihad wa'l-Siyar)
    20. The Book on Government (Kitab Al-Imara)
    21. The Book of Games and the Animals which May be Slaughtered and the Aninals that Are to be Eaten (Kitab-us-Said wa'l-Dhaba'ih wa ma Yu'kalu min Al-Hayawan)
    22. The Book of Sacrifices (Kitab Al-Adahi)
    23. The Book of Drinks (Kitab Al-Ashriba)
    24. The Book Pertaining to Clothes and Decoration (Kitab Al-Libas wa'l-Zinah)
    25. The Book on General Behaviour (Kitab Al-Adab)
    26. The Book on Salutations and Greetings (Kitab As-Salam)
    27. The Book Concerning the Use of Correct Words (Kitab Al-Alfaz min Al-Adab wa Ghairiha)
    28. The Book of Poetry (Kitab Al-Sh`ir)
    29. The Book of Vision (Kitab Al-Ruya)
    30. The Book Pertaining to the Excellent Qualities of the Holy Prophet (may Peace be upon them) and His Companions (Kitab Al-Fada'il)
    31. The Book Pertaining to the Merits of the Companions (Allah Be Pleased With Them) of the Holy Prophet (May Peace Be Upon Him) (Kitab Al-Fada'il Al-Sahabah)
    32. The Book of Virtue, Good Manners and Joining of the Ties of Relationship (Kitab al-Birr was-Salat-l-wa`l-Adab)
    33. The Book of Destiny (Kitab-ul-Qadr)
    34. The Book of Knowledge (Kitab Al-`Ilm)
    35. The Book Pertaining to the Remembrance of Allah, Supplication, Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness (Kitab Al-Dhikr)
    36. The Book of Heart-Melting Traditions (Kitab Al-Riqaq)
    37. The Book Pertaining to Repentance and Exhortation to Repentance (Kitab Al-Tauba)
    38. Pertaining To The Charateristics Of The Hypocrites And Command Concerning Them (Kitab Sifat Al-Munafiqin Wa Ahkamihin)
    39. The Book Giving Description of the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell (Kitab Sifat Al-Qiyamah wa'l Janna wa'n-Nar)
    40. The Book Pertaining to Paradise, Its Description, Its Bounties and Its Intimates (Kitab Al-Jannat wa Sifat Na'imiha wa Ahliha)
    41. The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour (Kitab Al-Fitan wa Ashrat As-Sa`ah)
    42. The Book Pertaining to Piety and Softening of Hearts (Kitab Al-Zuhd wa Al-Raqa'iq)
    43. The Book of Commentary (Kitab Al-Tafsir)

    Sunan Abu Dawud :: سنن أبي داؤد

    Sunan Abu Dawud :: سنن أبي داؤد

    1. Purification (Kitab Al-Taharah)
    2. Prayer (Kitab Al-Salat)
    3. Prayer (Kitab Al-Salat): Details of Commencing Prayer
    4. Prayer (Kitab Al-Salat): Detailed Rules of Law about the Prayer during Journey
    5. Prayer (Kitab Al-Salat): Prayer at Night
    6. Prayer (Kitab Al-Salat): Detailed Injunctions about Ramadan
    7. Prayer (Kitab Al-Salat): Prostration while reciting the Qur'an
    8. Prayer (Kitab Al-Salat): Detailed Injunctions about Witr
    9. Zakat (Kitab Al-Zakat)
    10. The Rites of Hajj (Kitab Al-Manasik Wa'l-Hajj)
    11. Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah)
    12. Divorce (Kitab Al-Talaq)
    13. Fasting (Kitab Al-Siyam)
    14. Jihad (Kitab Al-Jihad)
    15. Sacrifice (Kitab Al-Dahaya)
    16. Game (Kitab Al-Said)
    17. Wills (Kitab Al-Wasaya)
    18. Shares of Inheritance (Kitab Al-Fara'id)
    19. Tribute, Spoils, and Rulership (Kitab Al-Kharaj, Wal-Fai' Wal-Imarah)
    20. Funerals (Kitab Al-Jana'iz)
    21. Oaths and Vows (Kitab Al-Aiman Wa Al-Nudhur)
    22. Commercial Transactions (Kitab Al-Buyu)
    23. Wages (Kitab Al-Ijarah)
    24. The Office of the Judge (Kitab Al-Aqdiyah)
    25. Knowledge (Kitab Al-Ilm)
    26. Drinks (Kitab Al-Ashribah)
    27. Foods (Kitab Al-At'imah)
    28. Medicine (Kitab Al-Tibb)
    29. Divination and Omens (Kitab Al-Kahanah Wa Al-Tatayyur)
    30. Dialects and Readings of the Qur'an (Kitab Al-Huruf Wa Al-Qira'at)
    31. Hot Baths (Kitab Al-Hammam)
    32. Clothing (Kitab Al-Libas)
    33. Combing the Hair (Kitab Al-Tarajjul)
    34. Signet-Rings (Kitab Al-Khatam)
    35. Trials and Fierce Battles (Kitab Al-Fitan Wa Al-Malahim)
    36. The Promised Deliverer (Kitab Al-Mahdi)
    37. Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)
    38. Prescribed Punishments (Kitab Al-Hudud)
    39. Types of Blood-Wit (Kitab Al-Diyat)
    40. Model Behavior of the Prophet (Kitab Al-Sunnah)
    41. General Behavior (Kitab Al-Adab)

  • Dictionary
  • Names
  • Fiqh
  • Shirk

    Invocations - Prayers - Supplications

    Muslim Supplications

    Invocations - Prayers - Supplications :: الدعاء

    What, How, And When To Make Invocation
    Traditional Medicine
    Manners And Virtues Of Du'aa` As Mentioned In The Qur`an and Sunnah
    Best Times to make Du'a` (Supplication) As Mentioned By The Prophet (s.a.w.)
    Performance Of Adh-dhikr
    The excellence of remembering Allah
    Request For Prayers On Matters, Needs, Affairs, etc.

    Invocations :: الدعاء

    Supplications for when you wake up
    Invocation when getting dressed
    Invocation when putting on new clothes
    Invocations for someone who has put on new clothes
    What to say when undressing
    Invocation for entering the restroom
    Invocation for leaving the restroom (bathroom/toilet)
    What to say before performing ablution
    What to say upon completing ablution
    What to say when leaving the home
    What to say when entering the home
    Invocation for going to the mosque
    Invocation for entering the mosque
    Invocation for leaving the mosque
    What to say upon hearing the al`adhaan (call to prayer)
    Invocations for the beginning of the prayer (after the first Takbir)
    Invocations during Rukuu' (bowing in prayer)
    Invocations for rising from the Ruku'
    Invocations during Sujuud (prostrating in prayers)
    Invocations for sitting between two prostrations (in prayers)
    Supplications for prostrations due to recitation of the Quran
    Invocation for At-Tashahhud while sitting in prayer
    How to recite blessings on the Prophet after the Tashahhud
    Invocations after the final Tashahhud and before ending the prayer
    What to say after completing the prayer
    Istikharah (seeking Allah's Counsel)
    Words of remembrance for morning and evening
    What to say before sleeping
    Invocation to say if you stir during sleep in the night
    What to say if you are afraid to go to sleep or feel lonely and depressed
    What to do if you have a bad dream or nightmare
    Invocations of the Qunuut (after the last Rukuu') of the Witr prayer
    Invocations Immediately after salaam of the Witr prayer
    Invocations in times of worry and grief
    Invocations for anguish
    Invocations for when you meet an adversary or a powerful ruler
    Invocations against the oppression of rulers
    Invocation against an enemy
    What to say if you fear people may harm you
    Invocations for if you are stricken by in your faith
    Invocations for the settling of a debt
    Invocation against the distractions of Satan during the prayer and recitation of the Qur'an
    What to say and do if you commit a sin
    Invocations against the Devil and his whisperings
    Invocation for when something you dislike happens, or for when you fail to achieve what you attempt to do
    Invocation for when something you dislike happens, or for when you fail to achieve what you attempt to do
    Congratulations for new parents and how they should respond
    How to seek Allah's protection for children
    Invocations for visiting the sick
    The reward for visiting the sick
    Invocations of the terminally ill
    What to encourage the dying person to say
    Invocation for when tragedy strikes
    Invocation for closing the eyes of the dead
    Invocations for the dead in the Funeral prayer
    Invocations for a child in the Funeral prayer
    Invocation for the bereaved
    Invocation to be recited when placing the dead in his grave
    Invocation to be recited after burying the dead
    Invocation for visiting the graves
    Invocations for when the wind blows
    Invocation for when it thunders
    Some invocations for rain
    Invocation for when it rains
    Supplication after it rains
    Invocation for the withholding of the rain
    Invocation for sighting the new moon
    Invocations for breaking the fast
    Invocations before eating
    Invocations after eating
    A dinner guest's invocation for his host
    Invocation for someone who gives you drink or offers it to you
    Invocation for a family who invites you to break your fast with them
    Invocation for someone who offers you food when you are fasting, which you decline
    What to say when you are fasting and someone is rude to you
    Invocation for when you see the first dates of the season
    Invocation for sneezing
    What to say to the disbeliever if he sneezes and praises Allah
    Invocation for the groom
    The groom's invocation and what he says upon purchasing an animal
    Invocation to be recited before intercourse
    Invocation for anger
    What to say if you see someone afflicted by misfortune
    What to say while sitting in an assembly
    The Expiation of Assembly - Kaffaratul-Majlis
    Invocation for someone who says: غَفَـرَ اللهُ لَكَ "May Allah forgive you"
    Invocation for someone who does good to you
    Invocation for Allah's protection from the False Messiah
    Invocation for someone who tells you: : أُحِبُّك لِلَّهِ "I love you for the sake of Allah"
    Invocation for someone who offers you a share of his wealth
    Invocation (upon receipt of the loan) for someone who lends you money
    Invocation for fear of Shirk (attributing any partner with Allah in worship)
    Invocation for someone who tells you: بَارَكَ اللَّهُ فِيك "May Allah bless you"
    Invocation against evil portent
    Invocation for riding in a vehicle, bicycle, plane, or on an animal
    Invocation for traveling
    Invocation for entering a town or city
    Invocation for entering a market
    Invocation for when your vehicle or mount begins to fail
    The traveler's invocation for the one he leaves behind
    The resident's invocations for the traveler
    Glorifying and magnifying Allah on the journey
    The traveler's invocation at dawn
    Invocation for a layover (stopping along the way) on the journey
    What to say upon returning from a journey
    What to say if something happens to please you or to displease you
    The excellence of asking for Allah's blessings upon the Prophet (SAW)
    Spreading the greetings of As-salaam 'alaykum
    How to reply to a disbeliever if he says Salam to you
    Invocation upon hearing the cock's crow or the bray of a donkey
    Invocation upon hearing a dog barking in the night
    Invocation for someone you have spoken ill to
    How a Muslim should praise another Muslim
    What a Muslim should say when he is praised
    The pilgrim's announcement of his arrival for Hajj or 'Umra
    Saying Allahu 'Akbar when passing the Black Stone
    Invocation to be recited between the Yemenite Corner and the Black Stone
    Invocation to be recited while standing at Safa and Marwah
    Invocation to be recited on the Day of Arafat
    Supplication to be recited at the sacred area of Muzdalifah
    Saying Allahu 'Akbar while stoning the three pillars at Mina
    What to say when surprised or startled
    What to say when something that pleases you happens
    What to say when you feel a pain in your body
    What to say when you fear you may afflict someone or something with the evil eye
    What to say when you feel frightened
    What to say when slaughtering or sacrificing an animal
    What to say to foil the devil's plots
    Repentance and seeking forgiveness
    The excellence of remembering Allah
    How the Prophet (SAW) performed Tasbeeh (i.e. glorified Allah)
    Types of goodness and good etiquette for community life

    Hajj And Umrah

    A - Z Hajj And Umrah

    African Hajj And Umrah Commission :: لجنة الحج والعمرة الإفريقية

    Advice To Pilgrims
    A Step by step Hajj and 'Umrah
    Adhkar (Pertaining to the remembrance of Allah)
    A Lasting Word For Hajj And 'Umrah
    An Account of the Miqat
    An Account of visiting the Prophet's Mosque
    Ayaam at-Tashreeq
    Binding on the pilgrim to refrain from sins
    Command about the Menstruating and similar women
    Conditional Ihram
    Day by Day Rites of Hajj - Day One
    Day by Day Rites of Hajj - Day Two
    Day by Day Rites of Hajj - Day Three
    Day by Day Rites of Hajj - Day Four
    Day by Day Rites of Hajj - Day Five
    Day by Day Rites of Hajj - Day Six
    Day of Arafah
    Day to Day Activities of Hajj
    Duties of pilgrims at 'Arafah
    Entering Mecca
    Entering Al-Masjid-al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque) and Tawaf
    Errors Often Committed by Pilgrims
    Etiquette of Ihram
    Etiquette of Visiting the Prophet's (P.B.U.H) Grave
    Farewell Pilgrimage of the Messenger of Allah
    Farewell Tawaf
    Farewell Tawaf is binding on everyone except the menstruating and women with post childbirth bleeding
    Fixed time for Hajj
    Fixed time for Hajj
    Four Khutbahs in Hajj
    Hajj in Pre-Islamic Times
    Hajj of a woman
    Hajj, Umrah & Ziyarah At a Glance
    Halq or Qass

    Halq or Qasr: Shaving or Clipping

    Ihram for youngsters
    Ihram: Introduction And Significance
    Innovations of `Arafah
    Innovations Before Ihraam
    Innovations of Hajj, `Umra and Visiting Madinah
    Innovations of Ihraam and Talbiyyah, etc.
    Innovations of Muzdalifah
    Innovations of Sacrifice and Shaving the Head
    Innovations of Sa'y Between Safaa and Marwah
    Innovations of Stoning
    Innovations of Tawaaf
    Innovations of Visiting Madinat-ul-Munawwarah
    Innovations of Visiting Bait-ul-Maqdis
    Innovations: Various Innovations
    Kinds of Ihram

    Leaving Arafah to spend night in Al Muzdalefah

    Many `Umrahs after Hajj is not encouraged by the Shari`ah
    Maqaam Ibraaheem
    Merits of Hajj
    Merits of 'Umrah
    Neglecting and delaying the throwing of pebbles
    No Specific Supplication for Tawaf and Sa'y
    Not allowed to shave the beard
    Not obligatory to visit the Prophet's Mosque
    Objective of Hajj - To seek the Divine Pleasure
    Obligations during Hajj and Umrah
    Performing Hajj on behalf of others
    Permitted and Forbidden things in the State of Ihram
    Pilgrim with Sacrificial Animal in the month of Hajj should intend Qiran (accompanied Hajj) and the one
    Pillars of Hajj
    Prayers at Arafah
    Preparations for Hajj, Umrah and travelling to the holy lands
    Preparing for Hajj or 'Umrah
    Prerequisites and Sunnahs of valid Tawaf
    Reaching Miqat at a Time other than the Hajj Season
    Regulations Concerning Hady (Sacrificial animals)
    Restrictions of Ihram
    Rites, obligations and Sunnahs of Umrah
    Sa'y between Safa and Marwah
    Sa'y and its rituals
    Sacrificial animals
    Shaving or clipping hair
    Sunnah and allowed throwing
    Sunnahs of Tawaf
    Supplication at the beginning of the journey
    Supplication on entering the Mosque
    Supplications at Arafah
    Supplications: Some All-Inclusive Supplications
    Supplications: Some Supplications which may Be Recited At 'Arafat, at the Sacred Sites, and at Other Places of Supplication
    Tawaaf al-Ifaadah
    Throwing Al Jemar
    Throwing pebbles on behalf of other people
    Types of Hajj
    Veiling and giving up the display of beauty is compulsory for women
    Verdict on spending the night at Mina
    Visitation of the Prophet's Mosque
    Visiting Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi
    Visiting Quba Mosque and Al-Baqi' cemetery
    What a Pilgrim should do when he reaches the Miqat
    What Is Required of the Pilgrims
    What is allowed to a Muhrim
    Where to pick the pebbles from and the number and size of pebbles
    Woman's Hajj with Mahram, expenses of Hajj, taking husband's permission
    Woman may enter into the Ihram in any dress
    Wuqoof 'Arafaat
    Wuqoof Muzdalifah

    Arabic English Dictionary


    The materials provided here are ONLY extracts of Arabic-English Dictionary Of Sheikh Adelabu (Ph. D. Damas).  Fully edited versions and better formats are available upon written requests from awqafafrica.com and Awqaf Africa Muslim Open College, London.


    Alphabetical Entries Indexed For Arabic-English Dictionary Of Sheikh Adelabu (Ph. D. Damas) :: ألفبيات مادّات مفهرسة للقاموس العربي الإنجليزي للشيخ أديلابو - دكتوراه من دمسق

     Studying Grammars And Linguistics Of The Kitaab And Sunnah Under Sheikh Adelabu, Ph. D. Damas


    مباني الكلمات على الألف الفعلية من الأفعال والمصادر المصروفة ومن مجردّات الأفعال ومجرّدات الأسماء وغيرها

    أ »» إِئْتِمَانِيَّة أَب »» أَبْيَض أَتَى »» أَتْيَس أثُّ »» أَثِيم أَج »» أَجْيَد
    أَح »» إِحْيَان إِذ »» أُذَيْنَة أَرَى »» أَرِيكَة أَخ »» أَخْيَمَ أَز »» إِزِّيَان
    أَد »» أَدِيم أَس »» إِسْتِخْوَال إِسْتَدَّ »» إِسْتِضْلاَل إِسْتَطَاب »» إِسْتِكْوَاء إِسْتَل »» إِسْتِيمَان
    أَسْجَى »» أُسَيْلِم أَشَائِم »» أَشْيَم أَص »» أَصِيلَة أَضَاءَ »» أَضْيَك أَط »» أَطِيط
    أَظْأَر »» إِظْهَار أَعَادَ »» أَعْيَن أَغَابَ »» أَغْيَن أَف »» أَفْيُون أَقَاء »» أُقَيْحِيَانَة
    أَكَادِيد »» أَكِيل أَل »» أَلِيم أَم »» أَمْيَه أَن »» إِنْخِنَاق أَنَد »» إِنْضِوَاء
    أَنَطّ »» إِنْكِمَاش أَنْمَى »» أَنِين أَه »» أَهْيَم أَو »» أَوْهَنَ إِيْهَان »» أَيْهَم

    مباني الكلمات على التاء الفعلية من الأفعال والمصادر المصروفة ومن مجردّات الأفعال ومجرّدات الأسماء وغيرها

    ت »» تَأَيُّد تَب »» تَبَيُّن تَتَابَع »» تَتَوُّق تَثَائَبَ »» تَثْنِيَة تَجَابَّ »» تَجَيُّف
    تَحَابَّ »» تَحَيُّن تَخَّ »» تَخَيُّم تَدَابَر »» تَدَيُّيُن تَذانَب »» تَذَيُّل تَرَّ »» تَرِيكَة
    تَزَابَنَ »» تَزَيُّن تَسَائَلَ »» تَسَيُّف تَشَائَم »» تَشَيُّم تَصَائَى »» تَصَيُّف تَضَائَلَ »» تَضَيُّق
    تَطَابَق »» تَطَيُّن تَظَارَفَ »» تَظَنُّن تَعَاتَبَ »»  تَعَيُّن تَغَابَى »» تَغَيُّم تَفَّ »» تَفَيْهُق
    تَقَى »» تًقَيُّن تَكَّ  »» تَكَيُّف تَلَّ »» تَلَيُّن تَمَّ »» تَمِيمَة تُن »» تَنِّين
    تَهَاتَرَ »» تَوَاؤُم تَوّاب »» تَوَيُّل تَيَّار »» تُيُوقِرَاطِيَّة  

    مباني الكلمات على الميم المصدرية الفاعلية والمفعولية من الأفعال الألفية

    مُبيئ »» مُبْيَضَّ مُتِّي »» مُتِّهَم مُثيب  »» مُثِّنِي مُجيئ »» مُجْهِم مُحيب »» مُحْيِن
    مُخيب »» مُخْيَم مُدِّي »» مُذيب مُذَاب »» مُذْيَل مُرِي »» مُرْيِف مُزيت »» مُزِّيَن
    مُسيئ »» مُسْتِخْوَل مُسْتَدَّ »» مُسْتِغْيَل مُسْتَفّ »» مُسْتِكْوِي مُسْتَلَّ »» مُسْتَيْمِن مُسْجِي »» مُسْوَغ
    مُشيب »» مُشوَك مُصيب »» مُصِّيَّف مُضيئ »» مُضْوِي مُطيئ »»  مُطْيَب مُظْأِر »» مُظْهَر
    مُعيد »» مُعْيَل مُغيب »» مُغْيِم مُفيئ »» مُقَاس مُقيل »» مُقْوَل مُكْأِب »» مُكهِم
    مُلِيح »» مُلْيَل مُمِيئ  »» مُمْوَه مُنيئ »» مُنْخِنَق مُنَدَّ »» مُنْضِوِي مُنْطَاد »» مُنْكِمَش
    مُنْمِي »» مُنْوَك مُنْثِي »» مُنْوَك مُهيب »» مُوقَن مُومِن »» مُونَع  

    مباني الكلمات على الميم المصدرية الفاعلية والمفعولية من الأفعال التائية

    مُتَآج »» مُتَأَوُّه مُتَآجَّ  »» مُتَأَوُّه مُتَبَائِس »» مُتَتَابِع مُتَتَرِّب »» مُتَتَوُّق مُتَثَائِب »» مُتَثَنٍّ
    مُتَجَاب »» مُتَجَيِّف مُتَحَابَّ »» مُتَحَيِّن مُتَخَابِث »» مُتَخَيِّم مُتَدَابِر »» مُتَدَيِّن مُتَذَائِب »» مُتَذَيِّل
    مُتَرَائِي »» مُتَرَيِّق مُتَزَابِن »» مُتَزَيِّن مُتَسَائِل »» مُتَسَيِّف مُتَشَائِم »» مُتَشَيِّم مُتَصَائِي »» مُتَصَيِّف
    مُتَضَائِل »» مُتَضَيِّق مُتَطَابِق »» مُتَطَيِّن مُتَظَارِف »» مُتَظَنُّن مُتَعَاتِب »» مُتَعَيِّن مُتَغَابِي »» مُتَغَيِّم
    مُتَفَاؤُل »» مُتَفَيِّل مُتَقَابِض »» مُتَقَيِّن مُتَكَاب »» مُتَكَيِّف مُتَلِّي »» مُتَلَيِّن مُتَمَاتِن »» مُتَمَيِّل
    مُتَنَائِي »» مُتَنَيِّق مُتَهَاتِر »» مُتَهَيِّم مُتَوَائِم »» مُتَوَيِّل مُتَيَاسِر »» مُتَيَمُّن  

    Conjugal Formulas :: الموازن الصرفية


    Conjugal Verbus (Verb Formulas) :: موازن الفعليات


    Conjugal Nomen Verbi (Verbal Noun Formulas) :: موازن المصدريات

    Conjugal Agentis (Active Noun Formulas) :: موازن الفاعليات

    Conjugal Patentis (Passive Noun Formulas) :: موازن المفعوليات

    Conjugal Cognitus (Cognitive Formulas)  :: موازن المجردات


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    The Encyclopedic Dictionary Of As-Sunnah - Hadith By Sheikh Adelabu (Ph. D. Damas) is only available on this portal to proven Du'aat and known or recommended students of Knowledge.  Learned individuals can acquired all volumes and full packages of the Encyclopedia.


     Arabic English Dictionary Of Sheikh Adelabu (Ph. D. Damas) :: قاموس عربي - إنجليزي للشيخ أديلابو - دكتوراه من دمشق -

    Names For The Muslims

    Naming In Islam

    Names For The Muslims :: الأسماء للمسلمين

    Best Names For The Muslims In Genitive Case To The Beautiful Names Of Allah (s.a.w.)
    Better Names For The Muslims In Genitive Case To The Attributions Of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
    Acceptable Masculine Names For Muslim Boys
    Acceptable Masculine Names For Muslim Girls
    Names Prohibited For The Muslims

    Jurisprudence Of Sunnah

    Fiqh Sunnah

    Jurisprudence Of Sunnah (Fiqh us-Sunnah) ::مباحث فقه السنّة

    1. Purification
    2. Ablution (Wudu')
    3. Ghusl, the complete ablution
    4. Tayammum, the dry ablution
    5. Menstruation
    6. Prayer
    7. Azhan, call to prayer
    8. Prerequisites of the Prayer
    9. Obligatory acts of prayer
    10. Sunnah acts of prayer
    11. Supererogatory Prayers
    12. Nonstressed Sunnah Prayers (As-Sunan Ghair Al-Mu'akkadah)
    13. The Witr Prayer
    14. The Late Night Prayer, tahajjud (qiyam al-Layil) 
    15. The Special Prayers during the Month of Ramadan (Tarawih)
    16. The Duha prayer
    17. Salatul Istikharah
    18. Salatul Tasbih
    19. Salatul Hajah, the prayer for need
    20. Salatul Taubah, the prayer of penitence
    21. Salatul Kasuf, prayer of the solar and lunar eclipse
    22. Salatul Istisqa, prayer for rain
    23. The Prostration During the Qur'anic Recitation
    24. The Prostration of Thankfulness (Sajdat ush-Shukr)
    25. Prostrations of forgetfulness during the prayer
    26. Congregational Prayer
    27. The Mosques
    28. Places where offering prayer is prohibited
    29. The Sutrah or partition in front of one who is praying
    30. What is allowed during the prayer
    31. Actions which are disliked during the prayer
    32. Actions which invalidate the Salah
    33. Making (Qada') for missed salah
    34. The prayer of a person who is ill (Salatul Marid)
    35. The prayer during times of fear or danger (Salatul Khauf)
    36. The prayer of a traveler
    37. Combining two prayers
    38. Salatul Jumu'ah (the Friday Prayer)
    39. Id prayers (Salatul 'Idain)
    40. Zakah in Islamic Jurisprudence
    41. Monetary holdings subject to zakah
    42. Zakah on plants and fruit
    43. Zakah on Animals
    44. Zakah on Buried Treasure and Precious Minerals
    45. Zakah on Wealth Extracted from the Sea
    46. The Recipients of Zakah
    47. Zakat ul-Fitr
    48. Zakat ut-Tatawwu or Voluntary Sadaqah
    49. Fasting (As-siyam)
    50. The Fast of Ramadan
    51. The Forbidden Days to Fast
    52. Voluntary Fasts
    53. The Manners of Fasting
    54. Acts That are Permissible During the Fast
    55. Actions that Void the Fast
    56. Making Up Missed Days of Ramadan
    57. Night of Qadr
    58. I'tikaf or Seclusion in the Mosque
    59. Sickness, Expiation of Sins
    60. Contemplation of death and preparation for it by good deeds
    61. Al-Kafan (The Shroud)
    62. Funeral Prayers (Salatul Janazah)
    63. Azh-zhikr (remembrance of Allah)
    64. Supplications
    65. Pilgrimage: a general definition, its excellence and prerequisites
    66. The ability to perform hajj - what does it imply?
    67. The hajj of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
    68. Mawaquit: Fixed Times and Places For Ihram
    69. Ihram
    70. Talbiyah
    71. What is permitted to a Muhrim
    72. Killing a game in the state of Ihram
    73. Sacred precincts of Makkah and Madinah (Haram Makkah wa Madinah)
    74. Tawaf or Circumambulation around Ka'bah
    75. Sa'i between Safa and Marwah
    76. Staying at Mina and Arafat
    77. Umrah

    Ash-Shirk [i.e. Polytheism] And Its Evils

    Ash-Shirk [i.e. Polytheism]

    Ash-Shirk [i.e. Polytheism] And Its Evils :: الشرك بالله وآفاته

    As Sirah - Muslim Biography :: السيرة

  • The Caliphs
  • The Companions
  • Profiles
  • Our Sheikh

    Allah's Apostle

    Muhammad The Messenger Of Allah

    Muhammad The Messenger Of Allah :: محمّد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلّم  

    Biography by a Muslim, Muhammad Hamidullah
    Biography by a non-Muslim, K. Rao
    The Prophet (s.a.w.) as a blessing to mankind
    Description Of The Prophet (s.a.w.)
    Finality of Prophethood
    Last Sermon Of The Prophets (s.a.w.)
    What other scholars say about the Prophet (s.a.w.) and additional sayings

    The Four Caliphs

    Khalifas :: The Rightly Guided Ones

    The Rightly Guided Caliphs :: الخلفاء الراشدون رضوان عليهم

    The First Caliph, Abu Bakr (632-634 A.C.)
    The Second Caliph, Umar (634-644 A.C.)
    The Third Caliph, Uthman (644-656 A.C.)
    The Fourth Caliph, Ali (656-661 A.C.)

    Companions Of The Prophets (s.a.w)

    The Best Generation

    Stories Of The Companions :: قصص الصحابة رضوان الله عليهم

    'Abbaad Ibn Bishr 
    ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbaas 
    ‘Abdullah Ibn 'Amr Ibn Al-'Aas 
    'Abdullah ibn Hudhafah as-Sahmi 
    'Abdullah ibn Jahsh 
    'Abdullah Ibn Mas'uud 
    'Abdullah Ibn Rawaahah 
    'Abdullah Ibn Sailam 
    'Abdallah Ibn 'Umar 
    'Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum 
    'Abdullah Ibn Az-Zubair 
    'Abd Ar- Rahman Ibn Abi Bakr 
    'Abd Ar-Rahman Ibn 'Awf 
    Abu Ad-Dardaa 
    Abu Ayuub Al-Ansaariy 
    Abu Dhar Al-Ghifaariy 
    Abu Jabir Abdallah bin Amr bin Hiram 
    Abu Hurairah 
    Abu-l Aas ibn ar-Rabiah 
    Abu Muusaa Al-Ash'ariy 
    Abu Sufyaan Ibn Al-Haarith 
    Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah 
    'Adiyy ibn Hatim 
    'Aishah bint Abi Bakr 
    Al-'Abbaas Ibn 'Abd Al-Muttalib 
    Al-Baraa' Ibn Maalik 
    Al-Miqdaad Ibn 'Amr 
    'Ammaar Ibn Yaasir 
    'Amr Ibn Al -'Aas 
    'Amr Ibn Al-Jamuuh 
    An-Nuayman ibn Amr 
    An-Numan ibn Muqarrin 
    Asmaa bint Abu Bakr 
    At-Tufail Ibn 'Amr Ad-Dawsiy 
    Az-Zubair Ibn Al-'Awaam 
    Bilaal Ibn Rabaah 
    Fatimah bint Muhammad 
    Fayruz ad-Daylami 
    Hakim ibn Hazm 
    Hamzah Ibn 'Abd Al-Muttalib 
    Hudhaifah Ibn Al-Yamaan 
    Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl 
    Ja'far Ibn Abi Taalib 
    Habib Ibn Zaid 
    Khabbab ibn al-Arat 
    Khaalid Ibn Al-Waliid 
    Khaalid Ibn Sa'iid 
    Khubaib Ibn 'Adiy 
    Mi'aadh Ibn Jabal 
    Muhammad ibn Maslamah 
    Mus'ab Ibn 'Umair 
    Nuaym ibn Masud 
    Rabiah ibn Kab 
    Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan 
    Rumaysa bint Milhan 
    Qais Ibn Sad Ibn Ubaadah 
    Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqaas 
    Sa'd Ibn Mitaadh 
    Sa'd Ibn 'Ubaadah 
    Sa'iid Ibn Aamir 
    Sa'iid ibn Zayd 
    Saalim Mawlaa Abi Hudhaifah 
    Salamah Ibn Al-Akwa' 
    Salmaan Al-Faarisiy 
    Suhayb ar-Rumi 
    Suhayb Ibn Sinaan 
    Suhayl Ibn'Amr 
    Talhah Ibn - Ubaid Allah 
    Thaabit Ibn Qais 
    Thumamah ibn Uthal 
    'Ubaadah Ibn As-Saamit 
    Ubaiy Ibn Ka'b 
    Umair Ibn Sa'd 
    Umair Ibn Wahb 
    'Umraan Ibn Husain 
    Umm Salamah 
    Uqbah ibn Aamir 
    Usaamah Ibn Zaid 
    Usaid Ibn Hudair 
    'Utbah Ibn Ghazwaan 
    'Uthmaan Ibn Madh'uun 
    Zayd al-Khayr 
    Zayd Ibn Al-Khattaab 
    Zayd Ibn Haarithah 
    Zayd Ibn Thaabit 
    The Best Of All Creatures

    Muslim Profiles

    The Muslims Who Built The World

    The Rightly Guided Caliphs :: الخلفاء الراشدون رضوان عليهم

    Stories Of The Companions :: قصص الصحابة رضوان الله عليهم

    Imam Abu Hanifa
    Imam Ibn Hanbal
    Imam Malik
    Imam Al Shafi'i
    Al Ayoubi
    Al Battani
    Al Biruni
    Al Buzjani
    Al Farghani
    Al Kindi
    Al Idrisi
    Al Khayyam
    Al Khawarizmi
    Al Tusi
    Al Zahrawi
    Dan Fodio
    Ibn Al-Baitar
    Ibn Al Nafis
    Ibn Batuta
    Ibn Haiyan
    Ibn Khaldun
    Ibn Rushd
    Ibn Qurra
    Ibn Sina
    Ibn Ziyad
    Ibn Zuhr

    Our Sheikh

    Abu-Abdullah Adelabu

    Sheikh Abdulfattah Abu-Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D. Damas), a West African Islamic Academic founded AWQAF Africa, of which he's the first al Amir (i.e. President).  Sheikh Dr. Adelabu was studying Postgraduate Degrees in Damascus early 1990's during when Syria reviewed its national security after an ‘Oslo Accord'... 

    Syria like many other countries around the world witnessed, during this period, the flood of refugees from war troubled nations like Somalia, arrival of people from Algeria during the brutal struggling between the Mujahidun and the government, resettlement of the Palestinians fleeing from sophisticated guns of the Israelis as well as adventure of African migrants for reasons uncountable…

    Read More About Sheikh Dr. Abu-Abdullah Adelabu...

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